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Interesting Cold Weather Issue


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Was -1*F when I left the house this morning. Truck would fire, but not stay running. Tried that a few times and then gave her a little skinny pedal and she idled. Not too worried about it, she's 32 years old and it was friggin cold outside. On the drive though, it seemed like the throttle was sticking whenever I would let off the throttle to shift. When I let off, the rpms(by sound as I have no tach) would hold until I started to release the clutch and the rpms would drop to match the current gear selection. Even in gear a couple of times I'd let off the throttle and she would hold RPM and speed or very very very slowly drop off unless I hit the break.

Any thoughts?

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Possibly sounds like carburetor icing. What is curious is that this usually happens at a little higher temperatures since their is less moisture at lower temperatures [-1F]. Do you have heat going to the air cleaner snorkel?

Doh....forgot I need to update my signature. It is EFI.

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