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Chasing down cooling system 'demons'


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Could be the radiator. I saw new belts and hoses in your post, but not the radiator.

I’ve had radiators do what you’re describing.

Radiator is new also, although it is a std. replacement from local auto parts store. Admittedly I am stumped, been fooling with things mechanical for nearly 67 years now.


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Radiator is new also, although it is a std. replacement from local auto parts store. Admittedly I am stumped, been fooling with things mechanical for nearly 67 years now.


Well, I don't think I started wrenching any earlier than 5, so I've been doing it for 67 years as well. Hang in there, I think your leak-down test may tell you something.

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Well, I don't think I started wrenching any earlier than 5, so I've been doing it for 67 years as well. Hang in there, I think your leak-down test may tell you something.

Have not done a leakdown test yet, was going to do a shade tree leakdown test, (cylinder at tdc, pressurize cylinder, listen at carb and tailpipe for intake or exhaust valve leak, and look for bubbles in coolant). But while doing a visual inspection of coolant while burping system (replaced thermostat), after it had run and big bubbles had came out there appeared to be a continuous faint stream of very fine bubbles in coolant. Decided we need to get an actual leak down tester with the gauges to get an actual measured percentage in each cylinder. Beginning to suspect it could be a warranty issue with the engine, but want to check all other options first. Engine sounds smooth absolutely no misfiring at idle, great throttle response, but this cooling hiccup is setting off the progress. Oh well, I always had a love/hate/love of old Ford trucks, still got my first a '64 styleside restin and rustin on the back fence line, ''I gonna fix it one day...'' can remember many a day 40+ years ago keeping it running on a near zero budget, depending on it as a daily driver, and it aptly filling that need, albeit smoky, drafty and rattily. Ah good times, wouldn't take anything for the memories, but sure glad I don't have to do the getting the forty (usually +) grind anymore.

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Have not done a leakdown test yet, was going to do a shade tree leakdown test, (cylinder at tdc, pressurize cylinder, listen at carb and tailpipe for intake or exhaust valve leak, and look for bubbles in coolant). But while doing a visual inspection of coolant while burping system (replaced thermostat), after it had run and big bubbles had came out there appeared to be a continuous faint stream of very fine bubbles in coolant. Decided we need to get an actual leak down tester with the gauges to get an actual measured percentage in each cylinder. Beginning to suspect it could be a warranty issue with the engine, but want to check all other options first. Engine sounds smooth absolutely no misfiring at idle, great throttle response, but this cooling hiccup is setting off the progress. Oh well, I always had a love/hate/love of old Ford trucks, still got my first a '64 styleside restin and rustin on the back fence line, ''I gonna fix it one day...'' can remember many a day 40+ years ago keeping it running on a near zero budget, depending on it as a daily driver, and it aptly filling that need, albeit smoky, drafty and rattily. Ah good times, wouldn't take anything for the memories, but sure glad I don't have to do the getting the forty (usually +) grind anymore.

I think your shade tree test has shown up the problem. So while a true leak-down test might be warranted, that will just reduce the amount of air coming through the cooling system. However, you will then have true #'s to show the rebuilder. On the other hand, differences in cylinder-to-cylinder ring and valve sealing may mask the problem.

Good luck!

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