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Possible Re-hosting Of Website - Input Requested

Gary Lewis

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I've been working in the background with Weebly, the outfit that hosts the documentation portion of our website, because of some issues I've been seeing, including:

  • The site is apparently too big for them to copy.

  • Adding pages is becoming very onerous due to the # of pages we have - but we will need more.

  • Backups take ~4 hours to download and frequently the download fails and has to be restarted.

  • And today someone is playing around with things such that the embedded pages don't work, and we have hundreds of them

  • Today I asked this on the Weebly support forum: Adam - Is my site too large, either page-wise or data-wise, for Weebly? To which Adam, a Weebly employee, said "That's very possible"

With more than 500 pages I REALLY don't want to have to recreate them. So some form of migration tool appears to be needed. And so far all I've found is a tool to migrate Weebly to Wordpress. But I don't know much about Wordpress - do any of you?

Anyone know of other options?

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Some sites I go to use WordPress, I can ask my IT guy (you know who Gary) and see what he says, or I can send you his email privately. We were using a hosting company he uses for his private site so it was different, and we used PHPNuke for it.

I see that you did give me his email address. Thanks, Bill.

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I see that you did give me his email address. Thanks, Bill.

I'm in tech (but am not a Wordpress expert at all), and the first thing in my mind was WordPress as well. There are lots of hosting companies that provide easy installs of Wordpress on their hosted systems. I have used it before on Dreamhost and it's pretty easy to get going.

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I'm in tech (but am not a Wordpress expert at all), and the first thing in my mind was WordPress as well. There are lots of hosting companies that provide easy installs of Wordpress on their hosted systems. I have used it before on Dreamhost and it's pretty easy to get going.

Thanks. It is good to hear for someone that has been around it. All I know is what I read about it.

But having said that, Wordpress does seem to have a whole lot more users than Weebly, which means something.

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Thanks. It is good to hear for someone that has been around it. All I know is what I read about it.

But having said that, Wordpress does seem to have a whole lot more users than Weebly, which means something.

WordPress is extensible, which means you can go as far down the Rabbit Hole as you'd like to go, there's also lots of plugins you can add to extend functionality without having to write customizations yourself. It's based on PHP if I recall correctly.

For mainly static content like this site is now, it should be pretty straightforward.

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WordPress is extensible, which means you can go as far down the Rabbit Hole as you'd like to go, there's also lots of plugins you can add to extend functionality without having to write customizations yourself. It's based on PHP if I recall correctly.

For mainly static content like this site is now, it should be pretty straightforward.

Thanks. I need to read up on how to use Wordpress, meaning how to create and edit pages. But, I've coded machine language, assembler, Fortran, Basic, and snippets of HTML, so should be able to grasp it somehow.

And I need to find a host site, but there seem to be scads of those. Any recommendations?

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Thanks. I need to read up on how to use Wordpress, meaning how to create and edit pages. But, I've coded machine language, assembler, Fortran, Basic, and snippets of HTML, so should be able to grasp it somehow.

And I need to find a host site, but there seem to be scads of those. Any recommendations?

No problem..

You're right, there's lots of hosting companies out there...

As I mentioned above, I have a Dreamhost account where I can easily turn on WordPress, perhaps we could even try to import the site onto a test instance, and see how it goes as a private beta.

If it works out ok, then we can figure out how to make the site live for general access with your own account, depending on the content size/price. We can discuss those details privately, but I may be able to just host it for you as-is. If that doesn't work for some reason, new accounts are pretty cheap (less than $20 per month). In that case, we could even set up a Patreon account or something for people to chip in on hosting prices. Just some food for thought.

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No problem..

You're right, there's lots of hosting companies out there...

As I mentioned above, I have a Dreamhost account where I can easily turn on WordPress, perhaps we could even try to import the site onto a test instance, and see how it goes as a private beta.

If it works out ok, then we can figure out how to make the site live for general access with your own account, depending on the content size/price. We can discuss those details privately, but I may be able to just host it for you as-is. If that doesn't work for some reason, new accounts are pretty cheap (less than $20 per month). In that case, we could even set up a Patreon account or something for people to chip in on hosting prices. Just some food for thought.

Just so happens WordPress has a list of suggestions:


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Just so happens WordPress has a list of suggestions:


Sorry it has taken so long to get back, but we've had a houseful of Bullnose folks.

Anyway, thanks for the ideas and the offer. I'm going to try to work with Weebly on the issues this week, but if that doesn't go well then I think I'd like to take you up on the offer to test Wordpress. From what I've read the migration tool takes the backup I download and converts to Wordpress. Then that is uploaded to a hosting service and you have to go in and see what it looks like.

If we could do that on yours that would make it much easier to find out if it is going to work. Then if it does I can set up an account and do the migration to that.

I'm also thinking about getting a new domain name that is more descriptive of what we are doing than Gary's Garagemahal. And this would seem to be the time to make that happen. Let the Garagemahal site work as we get the new one up and tweaked, and then redirect the URLs to the new one.


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