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Gas mileage test [revisited]

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Back in September of 2016, a gas mileage comparison was made.

Gary, with his 2015 F150 and I, with my 1986 F150 drove the same route. I followed Gary's lead. We began at Mr. Bass's gas station by filling the tanks as full as possible [each driver filled his own truck] with 100% gasoline [what Gary regularly uses] from the same pump.

The loop was ~ 60 miles with varying speeds. At the completion of the test, tanks were again filled from the same pump.

This is what Gary reported:

This was posted on 9/16/16.


Gary Lewis


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Join Date: Jul 2010

Location: Northeast, OK

Posts: 32,866

Well, the 2016 Okie GTG has begun. David/1986F150Six got here about 2:00 and we ran a gas mileage test between his truck w/a 30 year old 300 4.9L six and my new 3.5L EB. We filled up at the same pump, and then he drove right behind me for a 63.9 mile route, after which we again filled up at the same pump.

I babied mine as much as possible and got 19.95 MPG. That's the best my truck has ever gotten, and I was happy. But, David didn't know the road and he was trying to react to my moves and stay a fixed distance behind me, so he was working the throttle more than I was. AND HE STILL GOT BETTER MPG - 21.69. So much for new being better than old.

On September 20, 2019, the test will be repeated, but this time, after Gary fills the tank for his truck and I fill my truck's tank, we will swap vehicles. Gary will still lead the way. The results will be posted.


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