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Website Revision - Potential New Home Page

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Shaun - Trust me, I know what you mean about being frustrated with the menu because things could be located in several different tabs/pages. It drives me up the wall, and probably a lot farther up than you since I should know where things are as I designed it.

But, therein lies the problem - I didn't really design it, or at least didn't design it in one sitting. It was never envisioned to be this big, so there was never a comprehensive design that would accommodate everything that's in it. And as it grew decisions had to be taken on where the new piece would go, but sometimes they weren't good decisions.

What it feels like is that we need someone(s) to take some time to focus on various aspects of the site. Maybe a "steering team" that would kick ideas around and help set directions. And, we need a way for people to register gaps and/or overlaps in the menu when they run across them so they can be fixed.

As for the About Me, I know what you mean. Originally this was "my site" and I used it for many different things, including church. Now it seems to have taken on a very specific reason for being - Bullnose trucks. And, it may have graduated from just being my playground to being one of the main documentation sites for these trucks.

So perhaps it is time for some of the personal stuff to move elsewhere, or to at least be moved into a corner. But, pretty much all websites have something like an About Me page where you can at least contact "them".

I agree the "About Me" section should be moved elsewhere, such as within the forum FAQ. That would keep it out of site, but still accessible to those who seek to know that info while perusing how to do other things on the forum.

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So perhaps it is time for some of the personal stuff to move elsewhere, or to at least be moved into a corner. But, pretty much all websites have something like an About Me page where you can at least contact "them".
I agree the "About Me" section should be moved elsewhere, such as within the forum FAQ.
Here's a spitball to consider... Make "About Me" a thread under some non-tech forum folder. Then allow any user (including yourself, which would be the first post obviously) to make a post (which would be infinitely editable) with some bio/hobby/location/contact... info visible to other users.
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I agree the "About Me" section should be moved elsewhere, such as within the forum FAQ. That would keep it out of site, but still accessible to those who seek to know that info while perusing how to do other things on the forum.

There is actually a lot of vehicle information in “about me” including the gauge pod for the Bullnose dash pocket, 400 engine cradle and custom bumper designs. Also, again I may be in the minority, but I appreciate “about” sections to learn a little something about the website and/or the person behind it. If you do take it off the main menu don’t hide it too much 😉

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There is actually a lot of vehicle information in “about me” including the gauge pod for the Bullnose dash pocket, 400 engine cradle and custom bumper designs. Also, again I may be in the minority, but I appreciate “about” sections to learn a little something about the website and/or the person behind it. If you do take it off the main menu don’t hide it too much 😉

Lots of good ideas, guys.

Steve - We already have the New Members folder, and everyone is encouraged to post about themselves in there. So, how would your suggestion be different? Not pushing back, just trying to understand.

Jonathan - You are right, there is vehicle info in About Me. And it really doesn't belong there. Nor does the stuff on building web sites nor on Bible lessons. So I do need to find a better home for them.

But, I agree that there has to be an About section to explain what the site is for and how to contact the "owner".

Gonna be out and about for a medical test for Janey this afternoon, but back this evening. Keep the ideas coming.

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We already have the New Members folder, and everyone is encouraged to post about themselves in there. So, how would your suggestion be different?
I guess just move your "About me" info to the first position (sticky) in that folder. IOW: do what you encourage others to do in that folder. :nabble_smiley_wink:
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We already have the New Members folder, and everyone is encouraged to post about themselves in there. So, how would your suggestion be different?
I guess just move your "About me" info to the first position (sticky) in that folder. IOW: do what you encourage others to do in that folder. :nabble_smiley_wink:

Steve - Let me think about that.

All - Google's statistics just came in for August and they give some information that might help our discussion about implementing a new home page.

The table below shows the sources of traffic coming to the website, meaning the forum and documentation. The vast majority (73%) of the users coming here do so via a search. Only 18% come here from a link they have, not one they've been given on another site or Facebook. Links on other sites, like FTE, account for 5% of the users, and links from Facebook account for the other 4%.

So let's break that down a bit. I seriously doubt that many of the 7031 users that came via a search were searching for garysgaragemahal. Instead, I'd bet they were looking for wiring diagrams or other documentation, or a discussion on the forum. In other words, a home page probably wouldn't help them?

Those coming directly here were doing so from their own links, and 44% of them were coming to the forum with the rest going to specific pages they'd saved or gotten in an email - like you and me. Again, I don't see a home page helping.

Of the referrals, 68% of those were from FTE and they go to specific documentation pages. (FTE doesn't like links to our forum, and took those out two years ago.) Again, when going to a specific page a new home page won't help.

Last, the 403 users that are shown in "Social" were from Facebook, and most followed links to documentation. I'm not seeing a home page helping there either.

What I am seeing is that greater than 90% of our users went to a specific page. (Those coming directly to the forum accounted for about 9%.) But we don't have a good way to help them see what else is available. One problem is the menu that goes away until you scroll. Another is that even if it doesn't go away, if they are on the forum it will be up above the prayer and the picture so may not be seen.

But, I don't know how to fix that. So I have a proposal: Why don't I go to the Facebook pages I'm on and ask them what would make it easier for them? And if some one of you frequents FTE perhaps you could ask what could be done to make finding the DOCUMENTATION easier for them. (Do NOT mention the forum. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.)



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Steve - Let me think about that.

All - Google's statistics just came in for August and they give some information that might help our discussion about implementing a new home page.

The table below shows the sources of traffic coming to the website, meaning the forum and documentation. The vast majority (73%) of the users coming here do so via a search. Only 18% come here from a link they have, not one they've been given on another site or Facebook. Links on other sites, like FTE, account for 5% of the users, and links from Facebook account for the other 4%.

So let's break that down a bit. I seriously doubt that many of the 7031 users that came via a search were searching for garysgaragemahal. Instead, I'd bet they were looking for wiring diagrams or other documentation, or a discussion on the forum. In other words, a home page probably wouldn't help them?

Those coming directly here were doing so from their own links, and 44% of them were coming to the forum with the rest going to specific pages they'd saved or gotten in an email - like you and me. Again, I don't see a home page helping.

Of the referrals, 68% of those were from FTE and they go to specific documentation pages. (FTE doesn't like links to our forum, and took those out two years ago.) Again, when going to a specific page a new home page won't help.

Last, the 403 users that are shown in "Social" were from Facebook, and most followed links to documentation. I'm not seeing a home page helping there either.

What I am seeing is that greater than 90% of our users went to a specific page. (Those coming directly to the forum accounted for about 9%.) But we don't have a good way to help them see what else is available. One problem is the menu that goes away until you scroll. Another is that even if it doesn't go away, if they are on the forum it will be up above the prayer and the picture so may not be seen.

But, I don't know how to fix that. So I have a proposal: Why don't I go to the Facebook pages I'm on and ask them what would make it easier for them? And if some one of you frequents FTE perhaps you could ask what could be done to make finding the DOCUMENTATION easier for them. (Do NOT mention the forum. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.)


Asking everyone "what would make it easier for them?" will give you hundreds of different comments that would likely detract from improved usability, which should be your priority for your site as you grow in popularity. True it is your site, and inject your personality by all means, but this may come at a cost to the true efficiency and effectiveness your site.

I would stick to web design best practices, for example:

- keep unnecessary scripts, words and images/graphics to an absolute minimum especially off the home page,

- make sure your links are not hard-coded but rather dynamic,

- be less format driven and more content driven,

- keep your link names short eg /axel-ratios.html can easily be /axelratios.html or even /axels could be a subdirectory with its own .index.html file, within which Axel Ratios could be one of many menu links about axel related content

These are just a few off the top, but a quick search on SEO, navigation/speed/design best practices etc. will help you get an idea for what works. Before making changes to satisfy everyone's personal web searching style, I respectfully suggest to read a few articles on these topics. You know your site, its contents, your aspirations etc. like no one else. By analyzing that information, I feel you will have a better idea which direction to take.

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Asking everyone "what would make it easier for them?" will give you hundreds of different comments that would likely detract from improved usability, which should be your priority for your site as you grow in popularity. True it is your site, and inject your personality by all means, but this may come at a cost to the true efficiency and effectiveness your site.

I would stick to web design best practices, for example:

- keep unnecessary scripts, words and images/graphics to an absolute minimum especially off the home page,

- make sure your links are not hard-coded but rather dynamic,

- be less format driven and more content driven,

- keep your link names short eg /axel-ratios.html can easily be /axelratios.html or even /axels could be a subdirectory with its own .index.html file, within which Axel Ratios could be one of many menu links about axel related content

These are just a few off the top, but a quick search on SEO, navigation/speed/design best practices etc. will help you get an idea for what works. Before making changes to satisfy everyone's personal web searching style, I respectfully suggest to read a few articles on these topics. You know your site, its contents, your aspirations etc. like no one else. By analyzing that information, I feel you will have a better idea which direction to take.

One thing that immediately stands out each time I visit the site, is the amount of white space at the top of each page. Users would rather scroll less to get the pertinent information. A small site name and not much else is more user friendly.


For example, you could place the tag "DEDICATED TO BEING THE WORLD'S BEST DOCUMENTATION WEBSITE ​AND DISCUSSION COMMUNITY FOR 1980-1986 FORD TRUCKS" in your About page, like Google:


...which leads to more information if you want it:


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One thing that immediately stands out each time I visit the site, is the amount of white space at the top of each page. Users would rather scroll less to get the pertinent information. A small site name and not much else is more user friendly.For example, you could place the tag "DEDICATED TO BEING THE WORLD'S BEST DOCUMENTATION WEBSITE ​AND DISCUSSION COMMUNITY FOR 1980-1986 FORD TRUCKS" in your About page, like Google:...which leads to more information if you want it:
Good point on the white space, Vic. And the stuff that is now taking up space, like the dedication, picture, and prayer, would go nicely on an About page.


So, what if the menu was changed to something like:


  • About
  • Forum
  • Documentation
    • Bullnose FAQ's
    • Calibration....
    • Cooling Systems
    • etc
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