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You really are on a roll Gary! :nabble_smiley_good:. :nabble_anim_handshake:

I'll see what I can come up with

David said Proverbs 11:22, which says: Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. Hmmmm, is a bull's snout about the same? Perhaps that would be about a man with no discretion? :nabble_anim_confused:

Grumpin - Worked on mine as well. :nabble_smiley_grin:

Jim - It was EASY! We could probably put any pic in the center, although the bull's nose seems appropriate.

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David said Proverbs 11:22, which says: Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. Hmmmm, is a bull's snout about the same? Perhaps that would be about a man with no discretion? :nabble_anim_confused:

Grumpin - Worked on mine as well. :nabble_smiley_grin:

Jim - It was EASY! We could probably put any pic in the center, although the bull's nose seems appropriate.

Sounds like the kind of woman I gravitate towards.,... :nabble_smiley_hurt: :nabble_smiley_whistling:

I can't use QR reader on my phone to focus on something _on_ my phone, but I trust it works.

I really like the idea of having something to hand out that will get people here (virtually) without any effort on their part.

But then, I liked the idea of 'Tips & Techniques' and that hasn't seen any real traction

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.....But then, I liked the idea of 'Tips & Techniques' and that hasn't seen any real traction

This website is still really young, and the Bullnose Trucks are just now starting to become popular again. In the next 10 years, this site will explode, and Gary wont be able to keep up.

Gary, you are going to need more moderators in the near future. I could maybe do some part time moderation as things start to get busy on the site.


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.....But then, I liked the idea of 'Tips & Techniques' and that hasn't seen any real traction

This website is still really young, and the Bullnose Trucks are just now starting to become popular again. In the next 10 years, this site will explode, and Gary wont be able to keep up.

Gary, you are going to need more moderators in the near future. I could maybe do some part time moderation as things start to get busy on the site.

Ray, I frankly don't know how Gary does it all himself, and add all the documentation in the background.

And makes progress on his epic projects, and all he does with his church, and has time to savour his family, and time to go on trips with them.

The man is a DYNAMO!

There really are no Mods.

Nice of you to volunteer! :nabble_anim_handshake:


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Ray, I frankly don't know how Gary does it all himself, and add all the documentation in the background.

And makes progress on his epic projects, and all he does with his church, and has time to savour his family, and time to go on trips with them.

The man is a DYNAMO!

There really are no Mods.

Nice of you to volunteer! :nabble_anim_handshake:

So, pulled into the parking lot this morning and Garys song came on the Oldies Station......


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So, pulled into the parking lot this morning and Garys song came on the Oldies Station......

Tainted? I don't remember singing that. Or maybe I am that?

Anyway, Jim is right - we don't have "moderators". There's nothing between "member" and "administrator", and the latter has the same rights I have, meaning they can change anything on the forum or even delete the whole forum. That's a big gap in Nabble's design, but it is what it is. :nabble_smiley_scared:

The main task is admitting new members, and we have that down to a science that takes less than a minute - at least for me. Other than that, there's been precious little for a moderator to do since for the most part people are good about adhering to the guidelines.

So I'm cautious about adding admins. But you volunteered, so if knowing the above you are still interested let's converse via email or text.

As for me being a dynamo, not hardly. But the site, meaning both the forum and the documentation side, have been growing. Last week we had 11 new members sign up to the forum. And traffic to the website overall is up 24% in the last 90 days. (You can see some metrics here: Documentation/Metrics.) So it is a bit of a challenge balancing my time - but I'm having fun! :nabble_smiley_happy:


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Tainted? I don't remember singing that. Or maybe I am that?

Anyway, Jim is right - we don't have "moderators". There's nothing between "member" and "administrator", and the latter has the same rights I have, meaning they can change anything on the forum or even delete the whole forum. That's a big gap in Nabble's design, but it is what it is. :nabble_smiley_scared:

The main task is admitting new members, and we have that down to a science that takes less than a minute - at least for me. Other than that, there's been precious little for a moderator to do since for the most part people are good about adhering to the guidelines.

So I'm cautious about adding admins. But you volunteered, so if knowing the above you are still interested let's converse via email or text.

As for me being a dynamo, not hardly. But the site, meaning both the forum and the documentation side, have been growing. Last week we had 11 new members sign up to the forum. And traffic to the website overall is up 24% in the last 90 days. (You can see some metrics here: Documentation/Metrics.) So it is a bit of a challenge balancing my time - but I'm having fun! :nabble_smiley_happy:

Friendly Open Respectful Discussion.

I'd like to talk about something that has been on my mind. Balancing comfort and discomfort in life. This is non-religious, and non-political. Just a practical discussion. Joe Rogan gave a discussion once on a podcast, and it set my wheels to thinking. Below is an excerpt from his podcast. I've edited it to remove foul language that Joe Rogan is known for, and to clarify his thought stream.

"I think that there are a lot of people out there that think somehow or another they are going to get to some place where they are living in silk sheets, getting their toes done, while someone is dropping grapes in their mouth. I don't want that. I've never wanted that. That guy isn't going to be happy, he's going to be bored. An hour into the grapes he is going to say "Get those grapes away from me, stop painting my toes, what am I doing in this bed, I gotta do something. I'm not stimulated."

The human organism, needs constant stimulation, because now we, and our ancestors back then, spent thousands of years trying to find food, escape enemies, find shelter, escape nature, escape the elements. Its bred into us. This is the reason for the great joy that we have in taking care of and protecting our children and spouses from these elements, and the enemies, and feeding them.

It's also the reason for the great sadness that we see in today in losers. For example, a 43 year old man living in his parent's basement, who hates the world. This person was someone's baby, a baby that was fed horrible non-nutritious food, and horrible thoughts and ideas, and had horrible examples set for him. This baby became a kid and developed these horrible habits, self-defeating patterns of behavior that led him to a point of middle-aged laziness, with no future. No idea how to get out of their rut, with little chance of figuring out how to escape it. This is the world we live in today. Thousands of people are defeated, with no clue how to get out of their defeat. Not long ago, these people simply didn't survive long. Part of the reason this is a problem, is because we have been fed this idea of B.S. that we are supposed to seek comfort.

I don't think we are supposed to seek comfort, rather, I think we are to seek lessons and difficult tasks and accomplishments. Through doing these difficult tasks, we accomplish something. And we satisfy our most primal being, which brings us great joy. And we must do it daily. If we think "tomorrow i'm just going to coast, eat Twinkies, and watch t.v.," we invite sadness, and depression. Because we aren't doing anything.

The human reward system is deeply carved into our DNA, if we don't respect it, if we don't respect the mechanism of happiness and fulfillment, to experience camaraderie, love, family, friendship, struggle, testing ourselves, learning, then we don't get to experience our humanity." - paraphrase of Joe Rogan.

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