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The Trailer Park Boys & Gord Downie pull a Bullnose engine

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Is anybody on here familiar with the Trailer Park Boys? I'm not sure if it's on anymore or not, but it was originally filmed here not far from where I live.

Anyway...I often have Youtube music playing in the Background when I'm working on my laptop, and I had the song The Darkest One by the Tragically Hip playing today. I hadn't seen the video in a dozen years or so but I had to chuckle when the engine they went to steal was out of a Bullnose.

Anyway, just for a chuckle is all. It's a cute video...with lots of "CanCon".

PS: Warning for foul language at the beginning.

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That is probably my favorite show of all time! Way back I used to catch it on BBC. I was so glad when Netflix picked it up and continued the series. My favorite moment is when they flip the Bronco (which IIRC was a Bullnose too) and Julian gets out with his glass of liquor still in his hand. Cheap vulgar humor is the best kind IMO.
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