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Limp mode?

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Hi all,

My ‘84 351w has a serious lack of power. It struggles to reach 65mph on a flat stretch of road and doesn’t want to rev. The slightest of inclines and I need to drop it down a gear. Could it be in limp mode? And if it is, how would I know? There’s no check engine light on. It’s a two barrel carb with computer control.

Thanks for any info,


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Only 2 things that come to my mind are the injectors and the fuel pump. Its a carburated engine so i dont think its gonna have injectors on it. Plz correct me if i am wrong though. Im bettng its probibly an issue with your fuel pump.

Thanks for the reply👍 I have a new fuel pump ready to go on. Also have a 4 barrel Holley and intake ready too but would prefer to fit that later when I junk all the smog, ignition and computer too.



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You said it is a computer-controlled 2bbl, and those can easily go into limp-home mode if the computer detects something it doesn't like.

The way to know is to pull the codes. The EEC-IV Testing page explains how to do that: Electrical/EEC-IV Testing. But if that doesn't make sense let me know.

Thanks Gary, I’ll check it out 👍😊

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