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New Way To Keep Track Of Projects

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Folks, I've added a new feature to the thread called Dad's Truck Build - a document to summarize all that's been done/going to be done to the truck. And I'd like your help in getting the document "right". (There is really no "right" as it is in the eye of the beholder, but you are the beholders and I'd really like your thoughts.)

First, this is not just for me. I can show any of you how to do this with your own thread(s) if you'd like. All it takes is a Word document that you create and save on an online storage service like Google Drive or Onedrive. From there you get the "embed code" and put it in your opening post. And then it automagically appears and when you update your document it'll get updated in the post.

Now, for what I've done. As many of you know I started this quest many years ago while I frequented FTE. And, as shown in the document, I started many, many threads called "Dad's Truck's XYZ". In fact, I've found 14 different threads on FTE that start that way - and I probably missed some. So the information on this truck is fragmented to say the least. And then we "chased rabbits" once or twice in those threads, so digging the info out is painful.

Which basically explains why I've created the document. It gives me a place to provide links to those threads and, more importantly, provide links to the posts where a particular issue was discussed - so the reader doesn't have to peruse hundreds of posts to find the information. (The Dad's Truck Build thread on FTE has 765 posts all by itself. :nabble_smiley_cry:)

To put it another way, someone recently suggested I write a book about Dad's truck, and this is sort of that. It is intended to be a cohesive summary of things that have and will be said about the truck as it is being built, and should then serve as the documentation I can pass on to those who get to maintain it.

So PLEASE look it over and tell me what you think about the plans. Not the words I've written in it, but the idea behind it and implementation thereof. And, here are some things to think about:

  • The Contents section is hyperlinked so you can click on any section to go to it. But, I need to find a way for you to get back to it w/o scrolling all of the way to the top - right?

  • Each section is currently on its own page, but they don't have to be if a section doesn't warrant a full page.

  • I don't know that the Create & Stick To The Plan section needs to be in there, but it is something I think people need to see. Somewhere. It is biting me, so don't follow me if you don't want to be bitten.

So, PLEASE take a look and let me know what you think.

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That's cool! I really liked that you can open it and make it larger, helped me read the smaller print!

Printing option is nice when opened, although I didn't try it.

Interesting! I didn't think about it having the ability to be opened as a document, but it certainly does. You could even download a copy if you so desired.

Cool! Glad you pointed that out.

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I like this Gary! I will definitely refer to it when I want to find something related to your build. It is neat to browse it also, as some threads I just pain forgot about. I will consider giving this feature a try when I dive back into the diesel build. I don’t have anywhere near the amount of information to cover with mine, but I think it could still be a nice index even on a smaller scale build.
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I like this Gary! I will definitely refer to it when I want to find something related to your build. It is neat to browse it also, as some threads I just pain forgot about. I will consider giving this feature a try when I dive back into the diesel build. I don’t have anywhere near the amount of information to cover with mine, but I think it could still be a nice index even on a smaller scale build.

Thanks, Jonathan. :nabble_smiley_wink:

All - I've added a how-to on the Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's page and on the Embedding tab. Please take a look and see if that makes sense to you. I'd like to get it right before forgetting about it.

Also, you can download a copy of my document and use it as a template if you'd like. You can change the names of the headers, like External Links, Engine, Interior, etc. And delete my words and add your own. Just don't forget to click on "Contents" and then click on "Update Table" in the pop-up menu, and probably click the "Update entire table" radio button. That will update the contents to match what your headings are and where they are.

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