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New Page: Interchange

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Ok, in the light of day I've discovered a few glitches. Somehow Weebly gave the new pages for starters and brakes the same URL/address as previous pages. And, I'd mis-typed the link to starters and it was point to air conditioning. So I've renamed the pages and fixed the links - I hope.

Grumpin - Thanks.

Steve - Good advice. We shall see what gets scanned today.

Short day. Added the A/C compressors, with and without clutch to the A/C Interchange page.

Then Chris' Diesel Injector page.

And the Window Lift Motor page.

Last, the Water Pump page.

And, while those 76 pages might seem like a light day, please give me credit for an overhaul on the Wheel Covers page, as 'splained on the Center Caps thread. :nabble_anim_working:


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Short day. Added the A/C compressors, with and without clutch to the A/C Interchange page.

Then Chris' Diesel Injector page.

And the Window Lift Motor page.

Last, the Water Pump page.

And, while those 76 pages might seem like a light day, please give me credit for an overhaul on the Wheel Covers page, as 'splained on the Center Caps thread. :nabble_anim_working:

Got a bit more done. And, along the way I realized that in some things the listings for the cars could be a help. For instance, the window lift motors for the trucks were used in some cars. So, I've started scanning the car sections as well.

  • A/C: The air conditioning section now has the car lists for clutches, compressors, and compressors with a clutch, so is now complete

  • Distributors: The truck listings are there, but not the car listing yet

  • Window Lift Motors: Added the car listing to the truck listing, so this section is complete
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Got a bit more done. And, along the way I realized that in some things the listings for the cars could be a help. For instance, the window lift motors for the trucks were used in some cars. So, I've started scanning the car sections as well.

  • A/C: The air conditioning section now has the car lists for clutches, compressors, and compressors with a clutch, so is now complete

  • Distributors: The truck listings are there, but not the car listing yet

  • Window Lift Motors: Added the car listing to the truck listing, so this section is complete

You are being diligent, Gary!

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You are being diligent, Gary!

Yes, David, that I am.

And today I got this done:

  • Alternators: I got the 46 pages for car alternators scanned, but the 70 pages for trucks is still running through the scanner as I type

  • Crankshafts: 12 pages of car info and 13 pages for trucks

  • Heads: 21 pages for cars and 23 pages for trucks

That seems to be 124 pages. But, I also added the 1980 Light Truck Roadability Diagnosis Guide, so does that count? :nabble_anim_confused:


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Yes, David, that I am.

And today I got this done:

  • Alternators: I got the 46 pages for car alternators scanned, but the 70 pages for trucks is still running through the scanner as I type

  • Crankshafts: 12 pages of car info and 13 pages for trucks

  • Heads: 21 pages for cars and 23 pages for trucks

That seems to be 124 pages. But, I also added the 1980 Light Truck Roadability Diagnosis Guide, so does that count? :nabble_anim_confused:



We now have in the interchange section:

A/C systems: 107 pages

Alternators: 116 pages

Brakes: 199 page

Carburetor: 42 pages

Crankshaft: 25 pages

Diesel Inject: 8 pages

Distributor: 34 pages

Fuel Pumps: 61 pages

Heads: 44 pages

Starters: 64 pages

Steering: 96 pages

Window Motors: 46 pages

Water Pumps: 28 pages


Total 840 pages on interchange possibilities between Ford cars and trucks from the 50's to 90's


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We now have in the interchange section:

A/C systems: 107 pages

Alternators: 116 pages

Brakes: 199 page

Carburetor: 42 pages

Crankshaft: 25 pages

Diesel Inject: 8 pages

Distributor: 34 pages

Fuel Pumps: 61 pages

Heads: 44 pages

Starters: 64 pages

Steering: 96 pages

Window Motors: 46 pages

Water Pumps: 28 pages


Total 840 pages on interchange possibilities between Ford cars and trucks from the 50's to 90's

Where is the Like button? :)

The secretary/admin assistant at a federal government job I had in college had a scanner with a sheet feeder, this was in the DX2/66 & Win3.1 days when it could take several minutes to render and print a PDF (I would guess the process is LOTS faster these days).

But I have a question... how can I as a user quickly get to "your VIN decoder?" I had to search the forum to find a link, I was having a hard time finding it via the hamburger for some reason.

Do you have any documentation talking about any ID numbers (partial VIN) stamped into the frame?

OK, 2 questions. ;-)

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Where is the Like button? :)

The secretary/admin assistant at a federal government job I had in college had a scanner with a sheet feeder, this was in the DX2/66 & Win3.1 days when it could take several minutes to render and print a PDF (I would guess the process is LOTS faster these days).

But I have a question... how can I as a user quickly get to "your VIN decoder?" I had to search the forum to find a link, I was having a hard time finding it via the hamburger for some reason.

Do you have any documentation talking about any ID numbers (partial VIN) stamped into the frame?

OK, 2 questions. ;-)

The VIN decoder is in Specifications/VIN Decoding.

As for the partial VIN no, I don't have a document regarding that. I don't think I've seen anything that tells about it officially. But I do have a picture somewhere that shows the one on Dad's truck's frame if that would help.

Considering the speed of scanning, it still isn't all that fast. I scanned everything at 600 dpi so the OCR would come through w/o issues, as anything less than 600 has caused LOTS of verification in the past, and that takes much too much time. Better to take the time scanning at 600 and have the OCR be accurate than to scan faster and have to correct the OCR results.

And I actually ran two computers doing this. My laptop ran the scanner, and I used the shop computer to set up the website as well as to manipulate the pdf's. And by that I mean move the pages around. I scanned the odd-numbered pages and then the even-numbered pages, so the file was 1-3-5-7 and then 8-6-4-2. Save the file to the cloud from the laptop and start a new scan. Go to the desktop and pull up the file and re-order the pages. Then create the new web page and put the file on it.

Somewhere there's a buffering problem when doing the scanning. The first several pages went about as fast as the scanner and document feeder could handle them, but then the buffer apparently got full and things slowed dramatically. So I could run through short documents, like 10 pages or so, faster than I could process them on the other computer. But there were a few 70-page docs that took a lot longer and I had time to catch up.


And the "like" button is to the left on a computer and to the bottom on a mobile device - as of last night. :nabble_smiley_wink:

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how can I as a user quickly get to "your VIN decoder?"
There's a lot of VIN info in this caption:


Do you have any documentation talking about any ID numbers (partial VIN) stamped into the frame?
What do you want to know about them? It's the last 8 digits of the VIN, between asterisks.


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how can I as a user quickly get to "your VIN decoder?"
There's a lot of VIN info in this caption:


Do you have any documentation talking about any ID numbers (partial VIN) stamped into the frame?
What do you want to know about them? It's the last 8 digits of the VIN, between asterisks.


Another use for the interchange info - upgrade our how-to's.

This morning I was looking at the 3G Alternator Conversion page with an eye to upgrading the instructions on the ammeter since Steve suggested that there's a way to change the wiring and not have to replace or disconnect the ammeter. (However, then the ammeter will only read on the discharge side, but that may be acceptable to some people.)

And I saw the donor vehicle list and wondered if the new Alternator Interchange page might help us refine the donor list a bit. The page says "90-99 Taurus/Sable (the 3.8L has 8.125” mounting. 3.0L has the 7” mount spacing) *Need to confirm this info." But it doesn't say if they have the 90A or the 130A alternator.

So I went to the interchange pages and found that there are some 130 amp alternators on some of the vehicles we listed. And I searched the pages for both cars and trucks for that part number and found these hits:

TAURUS 90-94 6CYL 3.8L MOTORCRAFT130AMP. F1DZ10346BX (Note that this doesn't say "Sable")








E-SERIES 94-96 6CYL 4.9L& 8CYL 7.5L MOTORCRAFT,130 F1DZ10346BX


This will take some refinement, but I think we have a new way to "tune" our instructions on things. And, I may even be able to cross-ref the part number to an ID/engineering # that will tell us what the alternator actually says it is.


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how can I as a user quickly get to "your VIN decoder?"
There's a lot of VIN info in this caption:


Do you have any documentation talking about any ID numbers (partial VIN) stamped into the frame?
What do you want to know about them? It's the last 8 digits of the VIN, between asterisks.


I'm asking about any frame-based VIN information because there's a guy over on FTE - newbie, but already has 100 posts in one month - who got confused by info he found online.

Specifically, he thought one of the characters found on the frame VIN was the truck's Engine code, he researched the character 'E' using documentation here and determined his truck (1982 F-100) originally came with a 2.0L 4-cylinder engine.


I kinda feel bad for the guy is all, and I'm wondering if this horde of documentation Gary is uploading contains a description of what's stamped in the frame rail (and maybe other places, too, based on what your post says, Steve).


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