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TSB Organization, Presentation, etc

Gary Lewis

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In reading your explanation above, I'm not sure I follow your logic. BUT I MIGHT JUST NOT UNDERSTAND THE TERMINOLOGY, so this could all be moot...

The way you worded it, I get the impression that you misinterpreted Google's "rule" about availability. You seem to interpret it as direct access on the page in-question. But my interpretation (based ONLY on your previous post - I know NOTHING about Google's process, or how web pages are built) is that the document simply has to be public SOMEWHERE. So if I embed a document here that's hosted on the IRS website (which is available to the public), it would still get indexed. But if I embed a document on my Google Drive that requires a password and I post the password here for people to use, it would NOT be indexed because Google's bot (or whatever the term is) couldn't get into the document without the password to index it. And it's not smart enough to understand that I posted the password - it would just index the password without recognizing that's what it's for.

But that could be entirely RONG!

Steve - I'm going to document what little I'm finding about indexing embedded documents here:

  • TechTalks: The “Public on the web” setting makes the document completely public and available for indexing, which means it’ll appear in Google search and anyone with the document’s URL can access it. On the other hand, the “Specific people” setting will make the document available only to the people with whom you decide to share it. If an uninvited party discovers the document’s URL, they won’t be able to access it. The middle option, “Anyone with link,” won’t make the document indexable by search engines but people who have the link will be able to access it.

  • Google Search Appliance: The GSA was a set of hardware and software that Google used to sell to an enterprise to allow indexing their site and serving up search results. And the documentation thereof says "To protect confidentiality at serving time, the search appliance determines whether the user performing the search is authorized to view each document before it displays results." While the GSA is no longer being sold, it is reasonable to expect that Google still uses that philosophy, meaning not presenting content in a search to someone that doesn't have the right to view it. And if the document is marked "Anyone with a link", since there's no way for Google to determine if you have the link then they aren't going to show it.

And my SEO book didn't have anything applicable.

The bottom line is - I don't know. Yet. For sure. But, the implications are that unless a file is declared "public" it either won't be indexed or it won't be presented as results of a search.

However, I keep checking to see if Google has found that one document and, if it does, then I'll reclassify the other Google docs that are embedded. And, I'll start moving the OneDrive docs to Google Drive.


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By "Have" I just meant that I own the bulletin. In fact, I own bulletins from late '79 to that 83-11-A with but 3 exceptions. However, I started scanning on the '79 end and have only scanned the applicable articles from the first three bulletins.

And, by "applicable articles" I mean those that apply to the F & U-Series trucks. I look in the index of that bulletin, note the ones that they say apply to the "Light Trucks", and then pull out and scan only those for the full-sized pickups and Broncos. And that would include all of them, whether they should have been fixed by now or not. Basically, I want to flesh-out the master index - some day.

As for you uploading, the easiest for me would be for you to give me individual links. Otherwise I have to look in your folder to see if I already have it or not.

And, I'm still researching the "public" vs "with a link" bit.........


This is a folder for book 84-1A. These were scanned before I knew how to put them together, so each page is separate (which is probably better anyway). The files are organized by calibration number order - NOT by page number. Some of the page numbers got cropped off the bottom, but I doubt they matter anyway. A few whose sides were cropped got rescanned with the later text tweak, but most were done with the original settings.


All the future scans will be on the later (better OCR) settings.

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This is a folder for book 84-1A. These were scanned before I knew how to put them together, so each page is separate (which is probably better anyway). The files are organized by calibration number order - NOT by page number. Some of the page numbers got cropped off the bottom, but I doubt they matter anyway. A few whose sides were cropped got rescanned with the later text tweak, but most were done with the original settings.


All the future scans will be on the later (better OCR) settings.

By the way, your Contents83-11thru25 has crashed my Foxit app twice, and once so hard that the laptop was frozen and had to be rebooted. The second time it just crashed the app. But, this was after doing an OCR and finding probably 30 questionable things on each of the 34 pages.

So, I'm holding off on doing anything with that file at the moment. In fact, I'm holding off for a bit until I figure out the organization issue or we'll be knee deep in TSB's in the index.

Given that, I'm thinking about nesting the TSB's by category.

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By the way, your Contents83-11thru25 has crashed my Foxit app twice, and once so hard that the laptop was frozen and had to be rebooted. The second time it just crashed the app. But, this was after doing an OCR and finding probably 30 questionable things on each of the 34 pages.

So, I'm holding off on doing anything with that file at the moment. In fact, I'm holding off for a bit until I figure out the organization issue or we'll be knee deep in TSB's in the index.

Given that, I'm thinking about nesting the TSB's by category.

I didn't expect you to proof & correct the Contents - just read/search it to find the TSBs you want. Then we can delete it.

If you really want to keep it, I'd pull the plain text out of the (useless) images, remove all its formatting, and then drop it into a simple word processor to set up your own formatting so it's readable. There's no need to preserve the wonky fonts & layout of the original tables of contents - just scavenge their data (text).

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I didn't expect you to proof & correct the Contents - just read/search it to find the TSBs you want. Then we can delete it.

If you really want to keep it, I'd pull the plain text out of the (useless) images, remove all its formatting, and then drop it into a simple word processor to set up your own formatting so it's readable. There's no need to preserve the wonky fonts & layout of the original tables of contents - just scavenge their data (text).

Ok, time for an update and a plea for help.

Spreadsheet: The TSB index spreadsheet is "done", meaning that there are about 800 entries in it that represent the bulk of the TSB's that apply to the Bullnose trucks. However, it'll never be truly done as we will be scanning in lots and lots of TSB's over the next several months (years?). And each time we get a "new" TSB then I have to create a link from the spreadsheet to it.

Organization: There are now sub-headings in the website menu that match the 9 different categories into which Ford lumps the TSB's - as seen in the spreadsheet.

TSB's: We currently have 26 TSB's sorted into those categories and linked to from the spreadsheet. Doesn't seem like many when you realize there really are probably about 1000. But, we needed the infrastructure into which the "new" TSB's will be sorted/added/linked, and I think we are "there" - for the most part.

TSB Names: Here's where I need the HELP!. We currently have two different naming methods. Here are examples of them:

  • 83-3-15 Pickup Box Alignment

  • Tool Box Mount

So we need to figure out which of those we want to use - before we go any further. Why you might ask? Because the name I give the TSB becomes part of the URL. So any change will also have to be changed in the index spreadsheet. Further, unless I do a re-direct in Weebly then any links people have saved to the old URL are no longer any good and will return a 404 error.

In reality it doesn't matter too much. But the TSB # really doesn't do anyone any good - unless they are searching for that specific TSB #. However, I can get around that by placing the # in the keywords part of the page, as well as in the header, so it can be found that way.

And, speaking of finding things in a search, we still can't find that one page that I made "public". But, our 4 weeks aren't up yet, so there's still time. And, using the keywords on each web page I can help Google find the page, if not really the document. But, if they come to the page then they'll see the document.

Anyway, my preference is to take out the TSB #, but maybe I'm missing something?

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We currently have two different naming methods. Here are examples of them:

  • 83-3-15 Pickup Box Alignment

  • Tool Box Mount
Is that supposed to represent 1 TSB? Because the 2nd name doesn't look like it has anything to do with the 1st.

The real problem I see is that some TSBs have several text names (usually because they fall into several categories). For example: a TSB about a transmission shudder would have a drivetrain name, and an NVH name.

I'm not sure I follow your explanation of why you have to choose, but as we've established: I know nothing about building web pages & sites. Based on my LACK of that knowledge: I'd suggest using the "name" of the TSB as the visible text for the non-visible URL that would be the number only, sort of like this:

Vacuum Cruise Troubleshooting

Nothing that you see in the visible text of that link is in the URL behind the link (which isn't the TSB number either in this case, but you get the idea). But the advantage to including the TSB number in the visible title is that: anyone Googling that TSB would find your list, attracting new members.

But the TSB # really doesn't do anyone any good...
Maybe; maybe not. But it's still a good standard (used everywhere) with meaning (not arbitrary, other than the last number) so I think it's a good way to keep track of them.

But my suggestion is: wherever you use a TSB number (even in an URL or other non-visible places), use 2 digits in every group, i.e., "83-03-15" vs. "83-3-15".


I've read back over your Jan 1 4:36 post (at the top of this page) a few times, and it struck me that those rules must only apply to files on Google Drive - not generally across the web. So I'd think you'd need to find out how to attract Google's bots/spiders/whatever to index THIS site so your pages show up in general (non-GarageMahal users') Google searches. But again: I don't really know what I'm talking about, so I could be way off-base there.

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We currently have two different naming methods. Here are examples of them:

  • 83-3-15 Pickup Box Alignment

  • Tool Box Mount
Is that supposed to represent 1 TSB? Because the 2nd name doesn't look like it has anything to do with the 1st.

The real problem I see is that some TSBs have several text names (usually because they fall into several categories). For example: a TSB about a transmission shudder would have a drivetrain name, and an NVH name.

I'm not sure I follow your explanation of why you have to choose, but as we've established: I know nothing about building web pages & sites. Based on my LACK of that knowledge: I'd suggest using the "name" of the TSB as the visible text for the non-visible URL that would be the number only, sort of like this:

Vacuum Cruise Troubleshooting

Nothing that you see in the visible text of that link is in the URL behind the link (which isn't the TSB number either in this case, but you get the idea). But the advantage to including the TSB number in the visible title is that: anyone Googling that TSB would find your list, attracting new members.

But the TSB # really doesn't do anyone any good...
Maybe; maybe not. But it's still a good standard (used everywhere) with meaning (not arbitrary, other than the last number) so I think it's a good way to keep track of them.

But my suggestion is: wherever you use a TSB number (even in an URL or other non-visible places), use 2 digits in every group, i.e., "83-03-15" vs. "83-3-15".


I've read back over your Jan 1 4:36 post (at the top of this page) a few times, and it struck me that those rules must only apply to files on Google Drive - not generally across the web. So I'd think you'd need to find out how to attract Google's bots/spiders/whatever to index THIS site so your pages show up in general (non-GarageMahal users') Google searches. But again: I don't really know what I'm talking about, so I could be way off-base there.

Steve - Good comments, as usual.

First though, the "83-3-15 Pickup Box Alignment" and "Tool Box Mount" are two different TSB's. The "83-3-15" was done recently and "Tool Box" was done earlier. And apparently I slept in between. :nabble_smiley_sad:

But I like your idea of always leading with the TSB #. And, as you said, many of them have two descriptions in their, so using the # will at least let someone ID it.

However, I don't have to choose. I just want to choose, to standardize. And, since we are going to be adding hundreds more TSB's I want to think through it now and get it "right".

As for the URL, I don't have a choice on that. Weebly, where the site is hosted, uses the title of the page for the URL, but substitutes a "-" for a space, etc. But, you are right that having the TSB # in the title will help people find it in a search.

Now to the rules. I think those rules are Google's rules and I believe they apply to wherever files are stored, Google, OneDrive, DropBox, etc. To this point none of my pdf's or spreadsheets appear to have been "found", and I believe that is because all of them are only available to people with the link. And since Google won't present search results to you if you aren't authorized to see them, they won't present them to anyone because they have no way of knowing if you have the link.

And I do actively manage the site through Google Search Console. Google will ultimately find anything on the web. But if you want Google to search your site frequently you submit a "site map", which I've done. And, when I add a page I tell Google to index it specifically - which I did recently with the TSB Index page, and it still can't be found via a search. :nabble_smiley_sad:

For instance, here's the latest info on "impressions" which are when one of our pages is presented to someone who was searching, and on "clicks", which is when the searcher clicks on our page. I view these results daily watching for trends, which pages are being "found", where we place on the results page, etc.

Anyway, we probably won't settle the debate on where documents should be stored for another few days or weeks when we see Google "find" the TSB index or finally give up. Meanwhile I'm adding key words to the pages to tell Google that good information resides therein. Hopefully with those, even if Google never indexes the documents, people will be able to find it.


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Steve - Good comments, as usual.

First though, the "83-3-15 Pickup Box Alignment" and "Tool Box Mount" are two different TSB's. The "83-3-15" was done recently and "Tool Box" was done earlier. And apparently I slept in between. :nabble_smiley_sad:

But I like your idea of always leading with the TSB #. And, as you said, many of them have two descriptions in their, so using the # will at least let someone ID it.

However, I don't have to choose. I just want to choose, to standardize. And, since we are going to be adding hundreds more TSB's I want to think through it now and get it "right".

As for the URL, I don't have a choice on that. Weebly, where the site is hosted, uses the title of the page for the URL, but substitutes a "-" for a space, etc. But, you are right that having the TSB # in the title will help people find it in a search.

Now to the rules. I think those rules are Google's rules and I believe they apply to wherever files are stored, Google, OneDrive, DropBox, etc. To this point none of my pdf's or spreadsheets appear to have been "found", and I believe that is because all of them are only available to people with the link. And since Google won't present search results to you if you aren't authorized to see them, they won't present them to anyone because they have no way of knowing if you have the link.

And I do actively manage the site through Google Search Console. Google will ultimately find anything on the web. But if you want Google to search your site frequently you submit a "site map", which I've done. And, when I add a page I tell Google to index it specifically - which I did recently with the TSB Index page, and it still can't be found via a search. :nabble_smiley_sad:

For instance, here's the latest info on "impressions" which are when one of our pages is presented to someone who was searching, and on "clicks", which is when the searcher clicks on our page. I view these results daily watching for trends, which pages are being "found", where we place on the results page, etc.

Anyway, we probably won't settle the debate on where documents should be stored for another few days or weeks when we see Google "find" the TSB index or finally give up. Meanwhile I'm adding key words to the pages to tell Google that good information resides therein. Hopefully with those, even if Google never indexes the documents, people will be able to find it.

I think I followed most of that...

You never said one way or the other about the Contents83..., so here's Contents84:


Unfortunately, after saving it, I noticed some blurry spots. (The postview with this scanner & its software is TERRIBLE for multi-page scans). So rather than re-scan every page, here's what's too blurry to read (sorry):

84-2-1 * Moon Roof...

84-2-2 * Noise...

83-25-2-S Seat...

84-2-3 * Wiper...

84-2-4 * Wiper...

84-2-5 * Wiper...

84-2-6 Shop...

84-2-7 Transmission...

84-2-8 * Fuel Gauge Reading Incorrect (Calibrations: All except EFI CFI applications)

84-2-9 * "Fuel Spit-Back" - Overfill of Fuel Tank...

84-2-10 Hesitation/Sag on Tip-In Acceleration from Steady Speed Driving (Warm Engine)

84-2-11 * Hesitation/Surge - 5.0L CFI (Calibrations: All 5.0L - CFI assembled in St. Louis before 8/18/83)



84-2-19 Information...

84-2-20 * Cab...

84-2-19 Information...

84-2-21 * Air...

84-2-22 Air...

84-2-19 Information...

84-2-20 * Cab...



84-3-27 ...1983 F-250HD/350 59

84-3-18 ... 1983 Bronco, Ranger 41

84-3-20 ... 1983½-84 Bronco II, Ranger - 2.8L 43

84-3-21 ... 1983-84 Ranger, Bronco 45

84-3-16-S ... 1983 Ranger

84-3-28 ... 1983-84 F- and E-Series 61

84-3-29 ... 1984 Ranger 61

84-3-5 ... All Medium/Heavy Trucks 19

84-3-30 ...1982-84 Medium/Heavy Trucks 63

84-3-31 ... All Medium/Heavy Trucks 65

------17 PGS-------

84-17-11 Transmission...

84-17-17 * Transmission...

84-17-13 * Hard...

84-17-18 * Dieseling...

84-17-19 * EEC...




84-18-13 Engine...

84-18-14 * Spark...




84-19-6 * Noise...

84-19-7 Carburetor...

84-19-8 Fuel...

84-19-9 Fuel...

84-19-10 * Gauge...

84-19-15-S Hesitation...

84-19-11 * Idle...

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I think I followed most of that...

You never said one way or the other about the Contents83..., so here's Contents84:


Unfortunately, after saving it, I noticed some blurry spots. (The postview with this scanner & its software is TERRIBLE for multi-page scans). So rather than re-scan every page, here's what's too blurry to read (sorry):

84-2-1 * Moon Roof...

84-2-2 * Noise...

83-25-2-S Seat...

84-2-3 * Wiper...

84-2-4 * Wiper...

84-2-5 * Wiper...

84-2-6 Shop...

84-2-7 Transmission...

84-2-8 * Fuel Gauge Reading Incorrect (Calibrations: All except EFI CFI applications)

84-2-9 * "Fuel Spit-Back" - Overfill of Fuel Tank...

84-2-10 Hesitation/Sag on Tip-In Acceleration from Steady Speed Driving (Warm Engine)

84-2-11 * Hesitation/Surge - 5.0L CFI (Calibrations: All 5.0L - CFI assembled in St. Louis before 8/18/83)



84-2-19 Information...

84-2-20 * Cab...

84-2-19 Information...

84-2-21 * Air...

84-2-22 Air...

84-2-19 Information...

84-2-20 * Cab...



84-3-27 ...1983 F-250HD/350 59

84-3-18 ... 1983 Bronco, Ranger 41

84-3-20 ... 1983½-84 Bronco II, Ranger - 2.8L 43

84-3-21 ... 1983-84 Ranger, Bronco 45

84-3-16-S ... 1983 Ranger

84-3-28 ... 1983-84 F- and E-Series 61

84-3-29 ... 1984 Ranger 61

84-3-5 ... All Medium/Heavy Trucks 19

84-3-30 ...1982-84 Medium/Heavy Trucks 63

84-3-31 ... All Medium/Heavy Trucks 65

------17 PGS-------

84-17-11 Transmission...

84-17-17 * Transmission...

84-17-13 * Hard...

84-17-18 * Dieseling...

84-17-19 * EEC...




84-18-13 Engine...

84-18-14 * Spark...




84-19-6 * Noise...

84-19-7 Carburetor...

84-19-8 Fuel...

84-19-9 Fuel...

84-19-10 * Gauge...

84-19-15-S Hesitation...

84-19-11 * Idle...

Ok, thanks. I plan to use your content and my content brochures to spot-check the '85 one that I built the spreadsheet from. But that's gonna take time. Maybe Monday watching the football game?

This thing is really taking on a life of its own. The website had 500 pages when we started this, and the TSB section could easily more than double it. :nabble_anim_crazy:


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Ok, thanks. I plan to use your content and my content brochures to spot-check the '85 one that I built the spreadsheet from. But that's gonna take time. Maybe Monday watching the football game?

This thing is really taking on a life of its own. The website had 500 pages when we started this, and the TSB section could easily more than double it. :nabble_anim_crazy:

Ok, I've changed the names/URL's for all of the TSB's so they start with the # and then have a little bit of what the TSB is about. And, I've added "redirects" so that any links that might be stashed somewhere out there go to the newly-named page instead of getting a 404 error.

So, see what y'all think, please.

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