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Window Issues


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I don't think it is the "regulator". As shown in the illustration here (Interior/Windows), that's just the crank mechanism that moves the window up and down. Instead, assuming the '96 assembly is like the earlier ones, I suspect it is the plastic roller/slide that goes in the channel that the glass sets in. Or, that the glass has come loose in that channel.

Can you pull the glass up w/o using the crank? If so, it has come loose from the channel.

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Brandon, most common problem with the window mechanism is lack of lubrication on the sliding block in the bottom channel on the glass itself. The other item that will cause problems is the rubber channel the glass rides in. If they get to worn the glass tilts as it tries to slide up, down will usually work reasonably well.

There are adjustments on the lower portion of the rear channel, but the door panel has to be removed to get to them. This is inside Darth's left front door, disregard the extra wiring, adjustment/attaching bolts are labeled.


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The glass is rocking back and forth binding up.
The flocking is worn off the glass run, which causes binding & more wear on the rubber, which allows the glass to rock. When you get a new run, apply dry Teflon lubricant to the flocking before installation. It's also good for the main door seals (prevents noise & wear on the paint), and the vent window seal (reduces sticking).



This isn't necessarily the BEST part or price, but it's THE part:


In the mean time, silicone spray &/or grease in the run will reduce the binding significantly, but it will wear away in a week or 3.

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