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Forum & Website Funding

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I'll put this in the proper folder after y'all have had a chance to see it.  But I've created a page (Bullnose Forum/Forum & Website Funding in the menu above) to show where we are with funding and expenses.  And the bottom line is that we are currently funded through September of 2025.

But, I'd like to point a few things out:

  1. I picked July 1st, 2024 as the date when y'all started supporting the website and forum.  The contributions started pouring in about the first of June, plus or minus, so it seemed that July 1st is a reasonable date for that.
  2. I have a lot more detail in a separate spreadsheet with who paid how much and when, but thought the dates and amounts w/o names would be adequate for each of you to confirm I got your money.  But if you don't see it or have any questions please, please message me.
  3. The spreadsheet has some spurious 0's here and there and I'm hoping to get them exorcised soon, so please overlook them.  But if you see something else that seems out of place please let me know.

So if you have questions or comments please let me know.  If general I'm happy to take them here.

And early next summer I'll start passing the hat to raise more funding.  But if you are so inclined in the interim I'll take your money any way you want to send it, with these being the easiest for me:

  • Check or cash to Gary Lewis @ 15517 Colonial Lane, Skiatook, OK.  74070
  • Venmo or Paypal to garyklewis@gmail.com
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Thanks Gary. Great idea to show the raw data w/o names....

Please don't construe that I might be a bit anti-tax based on my remark ahem...ahem... but maybe better to call it something besides income? :nabble_smiley_evil:

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Sorry about that Gary... probably best for you to do that since IRS probably monitors frequent Venmo / Bank transactions 👀... I do sincerely hope you write off expenses as well.

(why I don't like seeing where the sausage is made 😅)


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You won't eat the sausage if you know what goes into it.

The only expenses I have are those I pay for.  No way to charge my time or a room of the house, much less the truck.  But we will get there.  Up 'til now we've been footing the whole thing and the show.  But now that we've "grown up" y'all are helping a whole lot on the website and forum, and we'll get the show figured out.

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