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It’s Time to Tackle the Dreaded Blend Door

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As I was messing with the A/C reinstall (things are going ok so far with that. Have held pressure for a few days now) I decided…while I am here….might as well fix the blend door—I have no defrost and no floor air.

So, after a lot of reading and finding this excellent post: https://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/1486377-how-to-repair-the-ac-vent-door-hinge.html

I decided that the best way to save time, and aggravation, was to go through the top, but only loosening the pass side dash to slide out the pass side duct. It really took more time to finagle it out than it took to unscrew the bolts. But, it is out, and sure enough, the door hinge is blotto.

After some consideration over the weeks, I decided to go with the 3d print. It is on the way.

Now I have to buy foam to reseal some of the degraded foam from the pass side plenum. Will keep you posted. I know open cell is better for these matters, but it is hard to find….and in some applications a more closed cell memory foam strips are better. I think?



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There was a small company selling foam kits for these trucks. Can't remember who it was but I bought a set for my truck.

I'm sure that Scott/kramttocs was the one that found the company, sent them his foam, and they cut new. But I can't find his post about it. I'll tag him to see if he knows where it is hidden.

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Thanks Scott!

Prepping for the blend door arrival tomorrow.

I cleaned up the defrost and that pass side plenum I removed. The plastic was rather warped in spots from the heat and age I am sure. So, I wrapped some of the seams with HVAC foil tape to seal it up a bit.

For the defrost, I lined the bottom inside hole with felt tape (that is the same felt Ford used for the vents to hold them side to side or up and down (on the pass side) to direct the air. I was not looking for a seal, but more less to prevent more air escape/tighter fit. I did the same for the pass plenum section where the round part fits into the larger round receptacle. Pics do not show the felt….can take other shots if interested.

Blend door out. What a pain! I finally had to grind the hinge from the inside, and then push the rivet through and use a dremel cut off to remove the head, then push it through to the inside. Here is door, and pin (which looks like I can reuse!).



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Got the blend door installed today. What a PAIN!

I had to unbolt the vacuum and use LONG needle nose to install the pin from cab side. Then I had to gently bend the door back into the opening. AND Then I had to use my hand threw the heating core to hold the hinge to screw in the bolts/screws. If you do not have a small hand fuggetaboutit. Tight fit and my hand is all bruised.

I added large washers to the screws to provide more surface and not agitate the holes in the plastic.

At any rate, here is short video of my test before putting everything back together.

Also, A/C not empty but not blowing cold again after 3 days. UGH.

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