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New Member - Nick Sachse - Huntsville, Alabama

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Hello folks, I am pleased to be able to join this forum and share and receive information with like minded bullnose folks!

I bought my truck new when I was 18 in October of 1985 with a loan from my parents, to whom I am forever grateful, and I had it paid off by the time I graduated college.

So, I've had it for over 38 years now and after driving it for 28 years, we gifted it to our 16 year old son as his first vehicle and he drove it another 10 years before I traded him a 2019 Ranger so I could get the F150 fully restored. I'm about 99% done with the mechanical and interior portion of the restoration, then comes exterior body and paint.

Glad to be here!!





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Welcome!!! Let's see some pics. Maybe even start a thread on your truck and track the progress?

And, do you want to be on the map? You can see it at Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu. And why poking around you might read the FAQ's @ Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's to see about posting pics.

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Hey Nick, welcome!!

I have seen your posts on Facebook.

I am the one posting on the bullnose groups as "Allison Terry", under my Wife's name (Long story!)

You have a wonderful history with your truck, something very few get to enjoy!! Look forward to more updates from you.

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