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Black Window Sealant Goop

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I am taking all the trim out of my interior for paint and the top rail and a frames are covered in the black tar like substance. Seriously, this stuff is the spit of Satan and sticks to EVERYTHING. As I'm typing its all over my fingers, phone, and anything else it touches. I've tried dish soap, degreaser, alcohol, and acetone. Nothing will remove it! Anyone know what this stuff is and more importantly, how to clean it up?


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Another solid idea with the brake cleaner. I may yry gasoline or desiel.

As of this morning. Thinner seems to be the winner. I brush it on with a chip brush to soften it up. Then scrape with putty knife. Then use a cloth rag to get the remnants with more thinner. It's still not easy, but its manageable.

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As of this morning. Thinner seems to be the winner. I brush it on with a chip brush to soften it up. Then scrape with putty knife. Then use a cloth rag to get the remnants with more thinner. It's still not easy, but its manageable.

Cool! Now you got liquid goop running everywhere I imagine.

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Have you tried paint thinner? I know that butyl rubber doesn't come off with alcohol or acetone but thinner works great.

If it's butyl rubber based, heptane is what we used at Michelin to clean that stuff off. The other thing that works surprisingly well are the round tub of swipes, you can get them at the auto parts store for cleaning hands. We had tubs of them everywhere in the plant.

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