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  1. I fixed and now have a new filter on it. I remember now why this happened. I was also installing that new oil pressure gauge and remember hitting the stud while the filter was out so I must have nicked it at the tip. Thanx again.
  2. Didn't have enough room for the thread file But.. I love to buy new tools and I will use this often I didn't have one. Ended up buying a 3/4 -16 die and twisting it on with much anxiety as I didn't have a large enough socket. Again as always thank you guys for all the input.
  3. Im working on it now thanx for the input.
  4. This is what Ye Old Internet says. "The oil filter threads for a 1985 Ford 351W Windsor engine are 1-1/16"-12 in the block and 3/4"-16 for the filter" To answer your question No I dont have one but will after a few minutes.
  5. I can't even get to it. I'll have to remove the headers and the powersteering pump. If I could just get the filter started or a nut I could fix those first 2 threads I don't even understand how the first few threads got crossed considering there is nothing touching them once the filter is tightened.
  6. Doesn't seem to be a hex in there. It feels like its threaded and looks threaded too. Im not sure how to remove the old one.
  7. Ive had a long day. I'll check this in the morning thanks for the help.
  8. Is it possible to strip the oil filter stud? I changed my oil and left the old filter seal on by accident and had a double seal. Like an idiot I over tightened and realized my mistake when oil was pouring on the driveway at an alarming rate. So got another filter and now neither filter will screw back on. Can I change the stud? I found some online but they don't look like mine.
  9. .... to a new engine, because gasoline is almost as bad a lubricant as blood. I am now worried that you have lubricated your engine with blood.
  10. Done. Weird knocking noise is gone and it idles really good. There was a piece of spring sitting on the block hole when I pulled it out. I guess now I should change the oil? I could be crazy but it seems thin now.
  11. Got it installed runs great except the fuel now pumping out of the fuel pump weep hole. I posted a question about it in another thread. Thanks for your help. Oh and bye the way that new starter is very quiet.
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