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BigBrother-84 last won the day on September 26

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  1. It's curious Mat, I can see the movie. But had to click twice to start it playing.
  2. @Gary Lewis Gary, is there a way to create an Admins group, so we could tag all admins, kind of «@Admins»? It could be useful in certain situations if we need to ring the Admins about a specific discussion and/or forum issue.
  3. Gary - This little drop down disappears with the signature section.
  4. Oh Boy! What a mess! Hoping nobody's hurt. So sorry for you man.
  5. I bought the tailgate lettering from them. Friendly customer service, they sent me couple of samples of available reds, so I was able to choose the right one that marched the paint. Two years now, perfect adherence, solid color. 5 stars.
  6. Well, seems that my iPhone in landscape mode takes the "medium screen" buttons bar but drops the signature. Here is one of Gary's post (Ford Lounge), in Portrait and Landscape modes (no signature for the two):
  7. Guys, wanna fast way to retrieve your own posts listing? Go to you profile and click there:
  8. @Gary Lewis, is it possible to add a new thread in «Vendor Reviews & Ratings»? I'd like to mention «Graphic Express». They offer o lot of decals models, I bought my tailgate lettering from them.
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