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  1. Yes. Just checking myself to prevent errors. Doesn't hurt to revisit for certainties sake.
  2. Thanks! Waiting to receive a 2 gauge battery cable. Also have to fashion connections for some #10 wire. Will give this a go. May still have fuel issues, but this will hopefully resolve my starter issues.
  3. Vinny is correct with regard to this because that guy was me. With cold starts it started right up. Once the engine was hot, it would not start. If I let it cool, it started right up. From what I read, seems that may be your case also.
  4. I don't do anything with the bottom "big" one, correct?
  5. Good Morning Gents - After a week's worth of rain, I can finally get back to working on my F150. Today, I am hoping to install my PMGR starter. I am certain as to my connections to the fender mounted starter relay/solenoid. However, I am uncertain about the connections to the starter itself. Please review the attached photo and indicate if I am correct or incorrect about the placement of the #10 Starter Trigger Wire and the positive battery cable. Also, please indicate if the starter as it is is fine or if any modifications must be done to it. Thanks!!
  6. I think I sent you the wrong link. Here's the one I meant to send. https://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=6680580&cc=1434350&jsn=320 Not sure I understand your directions. 1. Cable (Black) to the starter solenoid (on the starter) goes to the B post on the starter relay. 2. Small wire on new starter solenoid (on the starter) goes to the M terminal on the starter relay. Where do the other 5 wires go? And the red/blue wire that goes to post S on the relay?
  7. It's an automatic. Will follow your recommendation. Thanks!!
  8. Thanks, Bill and Gary! I put another new Motorcraft Solenoid (made in Taiwan - really??) in this morning and when I tried to start got no response from the starter except a single click as if the gear is locked up. The solenoid overheated, even with just a couple short turns of the key. Had to disconnect battery cables. When attempting to reattach the cables, sparks flew everywhere. Guess I cooked another new solenoid. I'm going to take the recommendation and purchase the starter you recommend. Thanks!!
  9. It is a Bosch, but will replace it with a Motorcraft. Thanks, Bill!
  10. Gary - What would cause the starter gear to stay engage while the engine is running, and thereby get ground to pieces? Steve
  11. Hi Gary - Yeah. Ran some tests and discovered I have a bad voltage regulator. I also burned out the starter too after so many attempts to start it on a low battery. Also blew out the check valve on my external fuel pump. Have new parts arriving soon. Once new parts are installed, I'll again focus on the problem(s) with fuel delivery. Fully expected to be doing body work by now. Way behind schedule. That's how it goes, sometimes!
  12. Gents - With a squirt of gas into the throttle and the fuel relay disconnected, I can start the vehicle. Once started I reconnect the fuel relay. After a quick moment, the fuel kicks in and she runs pretty good. I can run it indefinitely at that point and have run it for as long as 8 minutes before turning it off. When I first did this process as described above, and went to start it up again, it started without any special intervention of fuel squirts or disconnecting the fuel relay. In fact, it started right up 6 different times. Now, however, it won't do that. I have to jump it to my other truck, disconnect the fuel relay, squirt fuel into the throttle, and start it reconnecting the fuel relay once it starts. Like before, it will run as long as I want it to once the fuel relay is connected. But it is impossible to start at this point without going through the process. I did not yet check to see if the plugs are wet when trying to start it with the fuel relay plugged in. I know I must do this step to see if the system is flooding. At least we know it will run. Any suggestions?
  13. Sorry Gary - I made a mistake in the values I reported and deleted the thread as it appeared no one responded to it.
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