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  1. Hello Gary, Yes Ii did, because I might have been too quickly in saying that. Lets wait and see, reconnected the fuellines too now. Will see. Thnx for asking and have a good morning ! Heinz
  2. Next time you are in Frankfurt or in Transit at the Airport, let me know Gary. We at least can see us then even if its only for a coffee or a beer.
  3. Allright, thanx for your thoughts. Means I got the right part. I‘ll probably go your way too and let you know how it ends. Attending the game was „solala“ means bad soccer from both sides, ended 1:1, but the vibe was as good as always. Good night then. Oh, and Gary I sure know wich ways you must have gone while beeing on the road Bad Homburg and Neu Isenburg. I used to drive those for 25 years, but stopped as Corona made most of us able to work from home that makes thing easier. A petty you didn‘t make it into the Stadion those days.
  4. Good Morning, Your german ist still good ! Yes Gary, you are 5h behind us and you probably fast asleep at this very moment. but while you read this (I assume it will be sometime around 8 or 9 ish. I might be on my way into the Stadion to see my favourite soccer club „Eintracht Frankfurt“ playing „1.FC Cologne“. Asking the valve/resevoir quickly. Which #would you have picked ? Is it possible that there doesn belong a filter into the new one I bought ? Otherwise, please have a nice day and enjoy the weekend. Heinz
  5. Oh, I just googled, for the numbers what myrl887 mentioned „Your '86 should have a reservoir (9K044/9B263)“ And this one, (F1UZ-9B263-B) then was offered via Amazon for a reasonable price. As it had all necessary ports I took that risk. The Problem is that neither Rockauto nore LMC offered one. https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B08MFD5NL9/ref=pd_vtp_2/139-6432611-0463202?pd_rd_w=SuTko&pf_rd_p=016e3697-91be-4dc2-9533-ef9350e7e73d&pf_rd_r=BQVCFPF5K59RJEA8KSJG&pd_rd_r=8b897f31-71e1-4a80-938a-3f6191d2b505&pd_rd_wg=nRbMN&pd_rd_i=B08MFD5NL9&psc=1 This is why I said below the picture I posted, that I was surprised that this is for trucks from 1989 onwards. I know that might be a bit naive, but I had to do something. Good night Heinz
  6. Hello again, Got the valve now as shown earlier. Next problem now is, the filter as there is no one inside. And the Reservoir as such is bigger than the old one. Can one help me to find it on the Internet, or shall I buy an filter for the old one at Rockauto.com and use this withe the new valve but apply the old smaller reservoir ? Do you guys have an idea ? Havaniceday Heinz
  7. Uups, allright just swopping the lines did not solve the problem. It only worked as long as the front tank had some fuel (switching front rear seemed to work). What a bummer ! The car almost died when switching to rear while front is emty. So I switched the lines back as they used to be, and probably have to buy a new valve with filter as shown above. Or do you have any other options in mind ? Haveniceday Heinz
  8. I would love to be there, please have a great but save time.
  9. I would love to be there, please have a great but save time !
  10. Hi all, I wish you and all attandees and visitors have good deals, nice talks and a great time toghether in Skiatook. Have save travels please. Heinz P.s. maybe next time we (those from outside the US) are allowed to join you
  11. Alle the best For you And your wife. Lets get rid of this stupid virus all toghether, please.
  12. Thanx Gary, Viruswise, the Deltaone is bad, I know a youngster who was vaccinated and got it. But because of the vaccine he was good after 2-3 days. So that gives all of us hope, as the most of us are (if not almost all here in the district) through and got the 2 shots. Bless you and haveaniceday. Heinz
  13. Hi, I swopped (not very professional I know) the into the Reservoir/Valve comeing lines. At the moment (hope I am not saying this too early) it looks allright. Anyway I want to thank you guys for your efforts. And I sincerly hope you all are staying healty. All the best Heinz
  14. What I find strange is, that those replacements are meant to be for Trucks from 1989 onwards.
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