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Garys New Test Name

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  1. As a regular user I'm creating this thread and then will lock it. After that I'll try to post in it and see if just the admins or if admins and I, the regular user, get it.
  2. I'm testing the ability for an author to lock his/her thread so others cannot post in it. If it works it will only work in Projects.
  3. Thanks, Scott. I got the email notification that I'd been tagged. But, what I don't know for sure is if I'd get an email if I wasn't tagged. So please un-assign me and respond again.
  4. Scott has asked questions about who gets subscribed, so I'm testing this concept by logging on with the "Gary's New Test Name", which isn't subscribed to anything, and posting to this thread. And I'm tagging Scott so he can come here and post, which should then send me an email - answering some questions.
  5. Glad you found that! It can be really, REALLY frustrating when you have all new parts and it still won't run.
  6. Yes, it is amazing how long things take! I always get less done that planned or hoped for. But, the key is the keep on keeping on, as you are doing. Then you'll get there. Maybe not when you thought, but some day. Anyway, that was cool that you were able to trade with the guy.
  7. I've done it twice. Once with an Xacto knife and once with the mill. In reality I like the Xacto knife approach better. Less chance of messing up. On the mill if you turn the handle the wrong way you have a divit.
  8. That's a great score! You and your son are going to have FUN! But on the idea of making a 4x4 out of two trucks, I wish you could drive that F250 before you go to all the effort. I'm not a fan of the ride that a TTB with leaf springs gives.
  9. Round ends with flat sides is an oval. The shape that is all curves that people often call an oval (but isn't) is an ellipse.Yesterday we went to the Tall Grass Prairie and I noted which roads go where. And now I'm working on creating a map we can use for planning. The one below is an early version and only has two sections on it: GPSKevin's Route: The green markers and the associated A on the KS/OK line to the B is GPSKevin's route - as far as I've plotted it The blue marker and associated A in the lower right is the east end of OK 4220 Road, and the B to the NW is the visitor's center for the Tall Grass Prairie. Then C is Foraker, and D is Newkirk, which was the target for this section of GPSKevin's Section 22. I need to figure out how to color GPSKevin's route something like green and ours blue, or vice versa. Anyone know how to do that on Google Maps? Anyway, I thought this would be a good way to map it out and share it. Thoughts? Oh yes. I was born in Arkansas City, which shows at the top left. And Janey and I lived 12 years in Ponca City, which shows on the lower left. We spent many, MANY hours on Kaw Lake right about where the "y" is of Kaw City. And my brother, who still lives in Arkansas City, has a cabin about where the "77" is north of Newkirk. IOW, that's my stomping grounds.
  10. I've already asked Janey, and we both like the Silver Lining that the valve covers are done in. That way the piece is unobtrusive. Hardly noticed. As for a cardboard mockup, I think I'll cut a piece of the aluminum channel just a bit shorter than the valve cover and split it down the middle. Then I'll drill the holes for the bolts into the valve cover, notch it for the breather bump, and see what I think. I can always take more off.
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