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  1. so now i have a plan for the heads. new valve guides. have the exhaust seats taken care of and make sure they are up to spec. new exhaust valves and the springs will be coming with the kit im buying from tim, i just hope i can talk him into setting aside a set of pistons before he runs out!
  2. i got the engine to rebuild and put in my 1977... i know its a little before the fourm but Gary said i could come on and ask about my valve question. but this is the first time i have cracked this engine open and i know i have alot of work i need to do to make it right instead of the quick fix way someone else did.
  3. sorry i meant to put new guides in. the heads were knurled once before so i will have to have the guides replaced.
  4. im going to have to have a machine shop go through and put inserts on the valve guides. the intake seats are good but i have to reface the exhaust seats to make sure they seat correctly.
  5. i know they need to, but i was wondering the quality so if i have to get different valves i can get a matched set of 8. like i said i want to do this right. has anyone had experiences with different valve companies like sealed power or others that they can tell me about?
  6. i am going to school for diesel technology. and they have everything to do heads in the building and the block will be machined either at the school in the high performance engine shop or at an engine shop in town. im not sure which yet. unfortunately i dont have much money so im trying to do it right but do it on a budget because i am a student in school haha.
  7. i ground down all the other valves to make a nice face. the intake match up really well so i just need to do the valve seats on the exhaust and the intake all seat really nicely. so im just trying to figure out what to do with the exhaust valves. and exhaust valve seats. and the valve guides are aout .002 over spec so i think i will need inserts to make sure that the valves dont go sideways.
  8. im not sure how many miles have been put on the engine sense the heads were done.
  9. two of the valves are cracked. i will put up a few pictures once i get a chance. but one valve is cracked from the edge in about 1/8th of an inch and the other is maybe 1/16th cracked through from the top to the bottom.
  10. i have a ford 400 engine and the heads have been done once before with sealed power valves. the valves are v-2075 and v2075 and i was wondering if the sealed power valves hold up well or if there are any other similar options for valves. and if you are cleaning up the valves and two of the eight are bad would you replace all eight? one out of each head was bad. any advice would be of great assistance!
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