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  1. Worked like a charm!!! First time ever with 12v to my edelbrock. Thank you guys so much!!!
  2. Amazon delivering tomorrow so I should be able to knock this out. For the record, based on the schematic, the green wire won’t be used? What should I do with it? Clip it off?
  3. Sorry guess I’m asking twice so I only cut once... ha If I have enough of the bigger yellow wire, which I think I do, I can splice it to the wire going to the fuseable link and lose the entire shunt with the other wires completely... right?
  4. Thank you guys for the help. Good news is when I cut the big yellow wire I did it right next to the factory splice so I have the whole wire to work with still. My solenoid is mounted fairly close to the 610 connector, so I’ll probably splice and solder straight to the wire with the fuseable link. I should have enough length. No problem with the bigger yellow wire going to that smaller wire with the fuseable link? I don’t know much about wiring but you don’t usually see larger gauge wire spliced to smaller gauge. Also is the shunt wire you refer to the black/orange? Still learning lingo.
  5. Ok we’re getting somewhere. I understand what you mean now. Here’s a pic of what’s left of my old harness. I assume that is the fuseable link J we are discussing? It has the cut red wire and a yellow wire going to the old regulator plug on there as well as the old black/orange wire. Should I splice the large yellow wiring we’re talking about back into that black/orange wire and put that ring connector with the fuseable link back on the + side of the solenoid? I assume I can disregard the red and yellow wire?
  6. I’m confused. You say nothing on connector 610 is needed but Gary said earlier that the expectation is that the connector stays and the large yellow wire is needed and is the main power source of the cab. No, there is nothing on the 3g conversion page regarding connector 610 or what to do with the large yellow wire, red wire, or yellow green wire.
  7. Are you saying this plug below doesn’t need to even go back into the truck?
  8. So my original thoughts are correct? Large yellow to battery side of the mega fuse or starter solenoid and the other 2 wires (red and yellow green) are unused and I can cap them off and out of the way?
  9. Ok, so then what happens to the big yellow wire? Doesn’t that power the lights in inside the cab? And the red wire and yellow green can stay disconnected?
  10. The black/orange wire is originally spliced with the bigger yellow wire I’m talking about along with the yellow/green wire. So you’re suggesting I should reconnect the larger yellow wire with the black/orange wire along with the yellow/green? Obviously I wouldn’t include the end of the black/orange wire that powered the 1g alternator?
  11. Well I’m lost now. I’ve read so many posts, threads, and websites about this 3g conversion and didn’t see that big yellow wire talked about anywhere. Yes the mega fuse I have is 150 amps. I didn’t have current plans for a voltmeter and I had only read that the ammeter would no longer properly function without converting it to a voltmeter. So I guess the answer is no, I didn’t have plans for a voltmeter or the ammeter.
  12. Yeah the wires are cut like in the pic. The big yellow wire had to be cut since it went to the factory splice. Where does this big yellow wire go now? Mega fuse? Is it a problem that I cut the Red wire and yellow/green wire? This is what I was going off of.
  13. Gary I’m good with the wiring of the internal regulator and 3G alternator. I don’t have any questions about the S, I, or A wire. The picture I posted is the female end that will go back in the truck. Maybe seeing the other end will help. Again, the question is about the BIG YELLOW WIRE. According to schematic I’ve seen it goes to the mega fuse. Wanted to make sure that’s right. I believe the red wire and yellow/green are not used in 3G and can be capped off. (They were for ammeter). Green/Red goes to “I” in back of 3g alternator.
  14. I’m just about ready to go with this and wanted to confirm something that isn’t covered on the conversion page... and that is the plug pictured below, specifically what to do with wires OTHER than the green/red wire. Large Yellow: This now needs a ring terminal and goes to mega fuse in 3G set up? Red: Not used? Cap off? Yellow/green: Also not used? Cap off? Green/Red: I know this goes to 3g alt “I” (This info is covered everywhere)
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