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  1. Yes I was thinking about a remanufactured crate long block , even though I have rebuilt a couple engines in my life, I just don’t want to do it again. Let someone who has a lot more experience and knowledge do the technical parts, and I will do the grunt work . I have been running 50 weight oil and had not thought about replacing the oil pump with a high volume. It’s not burning much oil, but there is a small leak around the rear crank seal, less than a quart use between oil changes.
  2. It’s been 3 years I’ve dealt with low oil pressure, to the point of not driving the 84, except to haul the trash to the transfer station. So I’m going to replace the engine and be done with it. I don’t want to get into rebuilding this one. I have looked at most of the online sites for a stock replacement. Just don’t know which ones to trust. Would you share your experience as to who to trust and who to stay away from. The engine is a 302 . David
  3. When we were stationed in Fairbanks AK, our 76 F250, 6cyd, had two block heaters, a heating pad the battery sat on, and a heat pad glued to the bottom of the transmission. There was also electrical heater in the cab, and frost shields on the doors and rear windows. With all that, there were still mornings when we had to use a kerosene heater blowing hot air under the truck to warm things up so I could turn the steering wheel. For the 6 years we lived there, I don’t recall any time that 6 cylinder did not start. Even at -50 to -60 degrees We had tires frozen to the ground, hubs that could not be locked or unlocked, windshield wipers frozen to the glass. And doors frozen shut, etc but it always got me to work.
  4. This thread got me to thinking about what’s in my trucks The 84 4x4 The decal is very brittle and has slipped. And on the other side. The 86 rwd Just standard decals David
  5. Welcome aboard, there is a load of information and help here, and people willing to share. That’s a good looking truck.
  6. I fully understand the noise of the V-10, and setting right next to the dog house boy it loves to scream. Everything I have read about this engine says it’s designed that way. So I have added insulation to the dog house, it help a little. Doesn’t matter how much you prepare something seams to break, our last trip out the generator quit. A couple of years ago the plastic coolant tank started leaking, took half a roll of duck tape so we could get home. That reminded me I need to get a new roll, and a new package of zip ties. But it hasn’t stop us. I stopped carrying about the gas mileage it’s going to be around 7mpg regardless of what i do. But the views are wonderful And sometimes it’s hard to find a parking spot. Glad everything worked out with the water pump, and overall y’all have a enjoyable trip.
  7. My 2 cents, a week or so earlier would be better for me. We normally start harvest around the 1st of September. So any thing later I would not be able to attend. Like I said just my 2cents, it should be what’s best for the most of members. David
  8. I’m so sorry to hear this, you are in our prayers and thoughts during this time.
  9. Mat, i used the exact same thing, on my 84 when I replaced the tank. I agree works great.
  10. I saw on Craigslist a short while back, there is a guy in Atlanta that has quite a few bullnose and brick nose trucks on his lot. The map location is near the airport. The adds pop up around once a month David
  11. I know all about the damage a squirrel can do. Our motor home is stored in our yard, near the pecan trees, when we were getting ready for our annual trip to Florida, family reunion. I found the squirrels had chewed through the brake line, ABS wiring, hydraulic jacks hoses, and the negative cable from the battery. What a mess, and it all happened with in a month’s time. Lucky enough that I was able to get all the parts quick enough that our trip was not delayed. I enjoyed the picture of your trip, looks like you had fun.
  12. Nice looking truck, welcome. Lots of knowledge about our trucks, ask the questions. Also tell us a little about your truck.
  13. I have one of each, got the Dremel way back when I was living in Vermont. And the HF right after getting the 84. I was working on replacing the rear axle, and needed to cut a nut off one of the U bolts. My son had the Dremel at his place in Chattanooga. Used it to cut the nut off put it back in the case, got my Dremel back . Have not used the HF again. Worked fine, just prefer the Dremel. The Dremel is 30 years old, with one speed.
  14. Welcome, so much knowledge here. Ask the questions and someone on here knows the answer. By the way there’s no dumb questions. David
  15. Boy, you guys bring back some memories, 1969, USAF, my job was man hour tracking for Minuteman missile maintenance teams. If I remember correctly we use an IBM 360, it had a removable board that had to be rewired for each different report. My cubby hole was next to the commander’s office so I could share the AC for the card punch machine. The actual computer was in a separate building across base. It wasn’t long before someone got the idea to start tracking materials use for the different maintenance checklists. As with most data hungry organizations the job grew from a couple hours a day to full time. On to Vietnam and Thailand, back to paper. Early 80’s finally got a duel floppy drive IBM desktop, much easier. But by today s standard, I was rubbing two sticks together to make a fire. Some where along this time my wife got herself a Vic 20. By the time I retired in 88, each desk in my office had a computer. Now I set here with a tablet, with more computer power than I will ever need or use. And just a little jealous of what is coming. Jan (my wife) asked me the other day, After reading an article about EMP’s, if our truck would start if that happened or could it be converted so it would. My answer was probably not, and I have no idea. But it’s an interesting question, something to ponder.
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