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  1. The broken hinge is for the panel vent door, only found on factory AC trucks. Details here on how to fabricate a replacement that will outlast you, although for your sanity I'd skip the part explaining how to easily do it without removing the entire plenum: How to replace the panel vent door hinge If you'd prefer the stock plastic hinge: Bronco Graveyard
  2. Same here, but they are good life hacks. I'm about to make the world's fluffiest scrambled eggs thanks to the video. Karl
  3. Good suggestion. A handheld vacuum pump (MityVac or similar) is great for troubleshooting. Use the EVTM and work your way through the system. Be aware most leaks, whether a line or actuator, can take out the entire system because vacuum can't build up. If you find a leak, play with the selector lever because that shuts off certain circuit branches in various positions. Karl
  4. Not sure I'm getting through. Don't mean to insult you, but I don't want you fixing things that aren't broken. There is more than one door in the system. There is NO single "selector" door. Three separate vacuum-operated doors work in series to route air as commanded. A fourth door (cable-operated) controls hot or cold, but let's skip that for now. Here's how air flows. Go to that first illustration at the hinge repair link for more details. Air is drawn into the plenum by the fan. The first vacuum-operated door (recirc) controls whether air comes from outside or inside. In the event of a loss of vacuum, this door actuator is spring-loaded to the outside (fresh air) position. The next step is the temperature blend door. This is the cable-operated door. For maximum heat, all air goes through the heater core. For no heat, all air bypasses the core. The door can be positioned anywhere in the middle for heat control. Next step is the panel vent door. With vacuum present at the actuator, ALL air flows to the four registers on the face of the dash, AND the passage to the defrost and floor nozzles is blocked. With no vacuum at this actuator, it's spring-loaded to send all air downstream to the defrost or floor nozzles, and none to the panel vents. Last step is the floor/defrost door. Remember, the panel vent door actuator must be relaxed for any air to reach this last door. The floor/defrost door simply routes air up to the defrost nozzles or down to the floor. This actuator also has a mid position to route air to both the defrost and floor nozzles. For a loss of vacuum, this door is spring-loaded to the defrost position. You mentioned having only defrost available. That would point to a complete lack of vacuum, as previously suggested. Start there, and make sure you have engine vacuum reaching the dash selector switch. After that, check the vacuum outputs from the selector switch to the individual actuators. Just don't go looking for that one mythical "selector" door, cuz there ain't any such thing. Hope this helps. More details here: EVTM
  5. More details, please. Define "selector" door. There's a single temperature blend door (hot/cold), cable controlled by the upper lever. The bottom lever operates three doors by vacuum: Recirc Floor/defrost Panel vents More details here: https://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/1486377-how-to-repair-the-ac-vent-door-hinge.html
  6. This forum software is enough to drive a guy crazy. Having trouble editing my previous post and my second response has gone missing. Re: The vacuum operated doors. There are three of them, not four as I was thinking. A single door (not two) switches between defrost and floor. Recirc Floor/defrost Panel (Dash face) First illustration here has more details: https://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/1486377-how-to-repair-the-ac-vent-door-hinge.html
  7. On factory AC trucks, the heat blend (hot/cold) door is cable actuated by the upper lever. The other doors (recirc, defrost, floor, and dash face) are vacuum actuated by the bottom lever. Karl
  8. I can access Garysgaragemahal all day without problem. I can view all of the website content. It's only when I click on the bulletin board link that I get blocked. Karl
  9. Nabble is blocked on my computer network at work. We have lots of free time between flights, so surfing at work is not a problem. I'm seeing this blocked access as a big drawback for this forum. Anybody else run into this?
  10. Oh my, what a knee slapper! Stop it, you're killing me. Have you ever thought of doing stand up? You seem to have the gift. What I'm getting at is to be careful about assuming new parts are good. I just went through a bit of trouble with my car showing higher than normal coolant temps. Turns out I had both a bad thermostat causing the temperature to run slightly high AND a bad sensor causing the gauge to show higher than actual. Here's the bad part. A new thermostat and temp sender were both bad. Each helped a little, but not enough. Talk about a head scratcher. Had to delve deep into troubleshooting to prove both new parts were bad. And these were OEM, too! The final fix was replacing both parts with a different brand. I wouldn't put much faith in a reman wiper motor. Seems like they get fresh brushes and paint, and that's it. I've had my wipers refuse to park and the problem was a little switch in the gearbox portion. I've cleaned up the contacts and would be good for a couple of years. Karl
  11. Does this forum have a mobile version? I do nearly all my surfing from an iPhone or tablet. The iPhone in particular has a lot of trouble, constantly getting kicked off, forcing me to sign back in multiple times.
  12. Is there a way to stay signed in long term? Currently I get kicked off when I leave the forum and then return later. It would be nice to stay logged on.
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