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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. He will learn. And glad you got it sorted. By the way, have you seen that I'm looking for an '86 - '97 4wd F350 w/a 460 or diesel? I need the cross member, which only the 460/diesel trucks had, and would like the D60 front axle and suspension. Know of any wrecked ones or w/o an engine?
  2. DNS can take quite a while to propagate. Clear your cache?
  3. Well done! So do you have the final pump on Kris' truck?
  4. Well done! But what brand were the seat belts? I want to steer clear of them. On the other hand, the hood release was perfect. Isn't it amazing how much better the truck is starting to feel? What's next? You're gonna mow it down.
  5. I'm capturing this so Core Tuning can know what issues their customers may run into, as well as the work-around I found. I just tried to install Binary Editor. The first thing the documents say to do is to install Microsoft's .NET package but that was already on the shop computer. However, when I then tried to install BE I got this error message: So I tried installing Microsoft's 2007 Office System data connectivity components - to no avail because Microsoft said that I don't have any 2007 Office System applications on the PC. True, mine are all Office 365. So, with quite a bit of Googling and several other attemps I did find a writeup that explains that installing Microsoft's 2007 Access database engine should work as it doesn't look to see what applications you have loaded. That installed nicely and then Binary Editor installed. Having said that, I don't know that it will work with Office 365. But at least BE installed. Meanwhile I texted with Adam and have a 9:00 call with him set up on Monday. However, I won't have the dongle that is coming in the mail, and that's needed in order to make BE fully functional. So we may have to reschedule. We shall see. And, I now have a test harness, thanks to Bill and a bit of solder, heat shrink, tape, and convolute.
  6. Makes sense. Thanks. But, it would be helpful if the Core Tuning web site or documentation, and preferably both, would explain that. I sent Clint, and cc'd Ben and Adam, an email this morning explaining who I am and what I'm doing - both using their kit to do Big Blue and Dad's truck as well as documenting it as I go. And I asked why there are two versions of the documentation on Binary Editor, both authored by Clint but 10 years apart, and why their web site only links to the old one. Further, why neither document says that Binary Editor supports the cable they just sold me. And, I gave them a link to this thread as well as the forum/web site. Perhaps from my experience they can understand what is missing in their documentation and upgrade it. And, I hope that by thoroughly documenting what I/we do on Big Blue, whomever comes behind can do it much more easily.
  7. But when reading the Getting Started document on Binary Editor it says "Supports multiple hardware types ie Moates, TwEECer, EEC Tuner, Drew Technologies, ELM 327, ELM 320." There's no mention of "Pro Direct Flash Cable". What am I missing? Then in Section 2.2 of the document it says "plug in the hardware device". I'm assuming that is the Pro Direct Flash Cable - right? If so, again there's no mention of that cable in the 2.2.1 table, and therefore no URL from which to get the drivers. Am I looking at old documentation? What cable do you have? Update: While the file linked to above, Binary Editor Getting Started, is what is available via the Core Tuning web site, it is dated 12 Aug 2009 and is Revision A. However, by doing a Google search I found a file called Binary Editor Help that is dated April 1 2019 and is Revision 5.166. The latter file contains the 17 pages of the first file and adds 69 more pages! And both were written by Clint Garrity, the 3rd person in Core Tuning. I haven't, yet, fully read the larger of the two, but will do ASAP. Perhaps it answers some of my questions, but is sure to raise several more.......
  8. Probably not. Most vacuum gauges also double as fuel pressure gauges, but only up to about 10 psi. Compression gauges are usually up to 200 psi. Vacuum gauges are cheap, so you should get one. But when you go poking around watch to see how much vacuum the "ported" connection has above idle. As said, David's has none at idle. But above idle it only gets to something like 13", in spite of the manifold vacuum going to around 20". So we wound up using manifold vacuum for his vacuum advance.
  9. Bill - I'd like to pick your brain on various things about Core Tuning as what I read on their site is very confusing. For instance, I ordered the Direct Flash package as that's what Adam recommended. In fact, after reading further on their site I was concerned that it is the wrong package and called him back. But he checked what I'd ordered and assured me it is the right thing. The package includes: But when reading the Getting Started document on Binary Editor it says "Supports multiple hardware types ie Moates, TwEECer, EEC Tuner, Drew Technologies, ELM 327, ELM 320." There's no mention of "Pro Direct Flash Cable". What am I missing? Then in Section 2.2 of the document it says "plug in the hardware device". I'm assuming that is the Pro Direct Flash Cable - right? If so, again there's no mention of that cable in the 2.2.1 table, and therefore no URL from which to get the drivers. Am I looking at old documentation? What cable do you have?
  10. Yes, sometimes these trucks are frustrating, to say the least. And wiring issues can be the worst. As for driving you to drinking, that reminds me of Commander Cody and the Hot Rod Lincoln, and part of the lyrics go: Anyway, you are now on the map.
  11. Jim - I'm sure there are trucks sitting around here as well. But it is just finding them that is the issue. I'm hoping that posting on social media will do the trick - when I know exactly which trucks have the right cross member. However, the young man I sent the message to yesterday at lunch time hasn't read it yet, so maybe social media won't do the trick. We shall see.
  12. I don't know about the dizzy gear for sure, but I think the issue comes with roller cams and the cams those distributors are for are flat-tappet. So, you should be fine using the gear that came on the dizzy. On the vacuum, I like ported vacuum. I could go into a long explanation, but let's just say that ported works much better in my experience. However, I don't know which port on your carb to use. Some of the YFA didn't have a port that had no vacuum at idle and full vacuum with the throttle opening. David's carb is that way. So you'll have to put a vacuum gauge on and figure out what you have.
  13. If you put the engine in w/o the gear box won't it be sorta wobbly? Will you have to prop one end or the other up?
  14. I was thinking that the solid Dana 60 first came in '86, but it wouldn't shock me if it actually started part way through '85. So yes, the last of the bullnose F-350s would have it. And "monobeam" is Ford-speak for a solid axle. Which in this range of years could only be a Dana 60. So it's what you are looking for. edit: I guess we were writing at the same time. And for what it's worth, "TTB" stands for "Twin Traction Beam", not "Twin Torsion Beam". The "Traction" describes it as the 4WD version of the older "Twin I Beam" 2WD front suspension. Ok, I got it! I think. Mono beam = single axle = D60. And 10/85 would be a 1986 truck, and it looks like that is the only Bullnose that will work for me. I talked with the folks at the local salvage today and when I finally figure out for sure what years have the right cross member they'll see what they can find in other salvages. Also, I talked with a friend at the local parts store, who is also a member on here - DeWayne/93F3507.3. He told me about another place close that used to be a salvage but closed up shop. He's pretty sure they'd have something like I'm looking for and gave me a suggestion on how to contact them. I've tried and we'll see if they get back with me. So thanks a bunch for helping me figure out what to look for.
  15. Welcome! Where is home? We have a member's map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map on the menu) and I'd be happy to add you if you just give me a city. So, what is the therapy you are entertaining enjoying? Many of us may need to partake as well.
  16. Now that you mention it, I think you did. Well, this one will be either the one I wire in for Big Blue or Dad's truck.
  17. Shaun - I like the list as it helps me get my head around it. However, I was trying to understand what Jim was saying about not getting a Bullnose. So I turned to the Application listing, shown below. And then I looked at the cross-reference guide and found that all of those outlined in red are D60's. But, those shown as 30.4S and 30.4T are D50's. So, does that say that some 1985's and all 1986's have a solid axle D60? And, what is the "monobeam"?
  18. Did quite a bit of running around today, but did manage to get one thing done towards EFI for Big Blue - found a "data link connector", aka OBD-II connector. Turns out that's not the easiest thing to find. Went to all three auto parts stores in town - nada. Finally called my friends at the salvage near here and they pulled the one below for me from an Aerostar, which means the wires are the right color. In fact, comparing it to the one shown in the '96 EVTM, this one has all the right wires and an extra to boot. I'm hoping tomorrow to marry the test harness Bill sent me with this connector, add a couple of switches for vehicle and keep-alive power, and it'll be ready for when I get the package from Core Tuning.
  19. Sorry, I missed this. And, I see why you are confused. Yes, they are input and output shaft. I'm seeing the output shaft seal as C4AZ 7D011-A. But, I do not see an "input shaft seal" as such. Instead, it looks like C6AZ 7D025-A SEAL (INTERMEDIATE BRAKE DRUM) is the farthest forward seal. So, I am confused as well. I've never had a C6 apart, so I am no where near an authority on this. We need someone else to weigh in.
  20. As I said, I haven't done the installation of that kit, but I have it and it does look complete. As for the in-tank pump, the tank has the large opening so can accommodate that pump. But, there were sending units that fit that tank and don't have a pump with them. I'm just about to launch into the transformation of Big Blue to EFI, and in doing so I'll be using that tank and will write up what I find. And, while I am planning on keeping the mid-ship tank as well, I'll be using the later fuel delivery modules in the tank, which have the sending unit, pump, and valves. So mine will be different than yours.
  21. '80 - '85 F-350s had the same Dana 50 TTB as many F-250HDs (some F-250HDs had the Dana 44HD TTB). So you probably could get the crossmember, but not the axle or suspension you want. Ahh! Got it! (Got it, got it, ain’t got it. 😩)
  22. 81/84 U150 — w/o aux. heater E1TZ 18C621-A Includes bracket
  23. I'll show you one in Sept. And a few more gauges in their protective packaging as well.
  24. Correct part for trucks with amber turn signals. See here for an explanation of when that was: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/door-locks.html
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