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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. That's cool! And that #1 plug is either broken or not torqued down properly. You can hear it in the exhaust - it is missing. But I'm impressed!
  2. Yeah, I agree. It is enough work to get out/put in that I don't want to do it again so will opt for the better bet - Ford. Ask Butch about his fun with a Jasper reman'd engine. Check his thread out here.
  3. BJ - When people introduce themselves in the New Members Start Here folder I always ask them if they'd like to be on our member's map - Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu. But you haven't so I won't. But on the fender liners, your best bet is to find them in a salvage. If we knew you were close to one of us we might know where some are, but shipping will be expensive. Also, as the "welcome" email said, a signature that tells us about your truck really helps. It isn't required, but you'll get far more answers, and more accurate ones at that, if we know the details about your truck.
  4. I think your shade tree test has shown up the problem. So while a true leak-down test might be warranted, that will just reduce the amount of air coming through the cooling system. However, you will then have true #'s to show the rebuilder. On the other hand, differences in cylinder-to-cylinder ring and valve sealing may mask the problem. Good luck!
  5. I'm going the same way Jonathan went - F450. That's 'cause Jim/ArdWrknTrk parted out an F450 and I got many of the parts, including the hydroboost stuff.
  6. Never got the call from CMS2CMS, the "professional" migration place. But, I have gotten several emails from Wendy @wpbeginner, the free migration place. So I asked her about their services, and here's her answer: Fortunately we don't have too many Scribd pdf viewers, and those we do have can be converted to embedded iframes. As for this forum, I've tried several ways to embed it, all to no avail. But I'm working with my friend on the Nabble support forum and I'm hoping he can crack it. But this one is critical, so I need to make it happen before we get much farther.
  7. Got an email from the CMS2CMS folks and they are supposed to call me around noon. We shall see. But the email responses I got this morning don't bode well for them as they continue to say things that don't make sense. For instance he said "Unfortunately, images cannot be migrated because API does not allow us to do that." What? We appear to have hundreds of images migrated by wpbeginner's free migration tool. And, speaking of wpbeginner, that lady got back with me. Let me just say that for free they give awesome support! Wow! If CMS2CMS provided that kind of support this would be done. Anyway, she said that if you run the importer several times it frequently gives duplications in the menu. Not of the pages themselves, but just in the menu. And, sure enough that's what I'm seeing. The menu has a whole bunch of repetition, but not all of the pages. My guess is that it has a max number of links and it is running into that limit. But when I go into the editor I see pages that don't appear in the menu. And, she also said that the Weebly widgets don't migrate well, which is exactly what I'm seeing. In fact, here are the problems I'm seeing: Tabs don't work: The tabs themselves are shown on the page, but there's no content in the tabs. Links: Hyperlinks on pages like the EVTM main pages don't work. Nor do the links in the Literature pages, which use thumbnails as buttons to click. Those were originally done from w/in Weebly and point to another Weebly page, so perhaps that's another Weebly "widget" issue. PDF Links: The new method of placing hyperlinks in blue boxes on PDF's, like the Interior Trim page, works, but it takes you back to the Garagemahal, meaning the Weebly page. Presumably that will be taken care of with 301 redirects, and it is something that I don't think any migration tool can fix as it is embedded in the PDF itself. Pic Spacing: The spacing between images is not preserved. We have hundreds of pages with snippets of the MPC strung together closely to preserve the feeling that this is a continuous catalog. But the wpbeginner migration puts lots of space between the pics and that sure breaks up the continuity of the catalog. Non-Clickable Pages: Weebly has the ability to create pages that show in the menu bat cannot be clicked to open. An example of that is Literature - if you click on it in the menu nothing happens and you then realize you have to click 1980, or 1981, or .... But wpbeginner brings those pages over as clickable, even though there's nothing on them. However, we don't have lots of those so fixing that won't be too big of a deal. I hope CMS2CMS can do a professional job 'cause fixing what we have would take quite a bit of time. But the fact that we got that far, or rather Chris/ckuske got us that far, for free speaks volumes.
  8. That strip was only on the high-end trucks.
  9. I don't see ghosts. Oh wait, maybe I do! It looks like Rod Serling! I think we've just entered the Twilight Zone! Seriously though, I don't see the ghosts in the pic I posted. Any chance you can circle them and repost? As for only one image in a post having ghosts, that's the Twilight Zone bit. Frequently our pdf's which are embedded on a page have a fuzzy first page of the document. And if I re-order the pages whichever one is first is the fuzzy one. Recently I worked with Weebly on it and it befuddled them as well. Then, over time, it usually clears up.
  10. I wonder if the "slow connection" thing might be part of the problem? Steve - Are you on a really slow or bad connection when you see the problems? Perhaps my pics are too big?
  11. If I remember correctly the RON for water is very high. Should have really helped your MPG.
  12. Nope. None of that. Would really like the engine and tranny out behind the shop under the car port. But there's no way of getting them there easily. So they may sit on the trailer for a while as I don't want them in the way in the shop.
  13. Steve - I just checked and I hadn't put any "width=" instructions on those pics. So I don't know what the issue is. My process is to run Adobe's Photoshop against any pics that are too big to post. In this case the pics Scott sent were around 5Mb each, so needed processing. I just do a save-as and make them something less than 1Mb. So is it something to do with that step? Anyone else seeing what Steve is describing?
  14. Need help? Sure do! Someone LOADED that back seat of the truck. I hadn't opened the door to it since getting it home, but was placing my jump-start battery pack in there yesterday. Opened the door and did a double-take! Man, there's LOT'S of stuff in there.
  15. Tires can make a huge difference. I thought Rusty's tires were quiet until I replaced the flatulent Flowmaster with a Magnaflow. Wow, what a difference. But then I discovered that the tires "sang", and at anything over 45 MPH they were noisy. And door seals can make a tremendous difference as well. Big Blue's seals were SHOT, and when I replaced them the noise in the cab dropped nicely. But then the exhaust note was obvious. Man, I hated those glass packs!
  16. And, progress is good! Amen, brother!
  17. Well, I don't think I started wrenching any earlier than 5, so I've been doing it for 67 years as well. Hang in there, I think your leak-down test may tell you something.
  18. Yes, CONGRATULATIONS!!! As for the lock retainer, all 1980 through at least 1989 F-Series trucks used the same ones. And probably later but my catalog ends in '89. But just the F-Series trucks. The E-Series vans, the little Rangers and Broncos, etc all used different ones.
  19. Steve - I don't see what you are seeing, even in that last pic, which I've included below. Can you point out what you are seeing there? I frequently add width="100%" to my pics to ensure they are full size. I'll not do that in future and see if that makes a difference. But it shouldn't as they are usually full size anyway. Sorry!
  20. Yes, paying someone is probably the way to go. And so far all I've found that do it for a living is cms2cms. Maybe someone else can find someone else? I ask because the chat line lady there doesn't know what she's doing, so it didn't sit well with me. Perhaps someone else will get back with me, as I requested, but I'm not confident.
  21. The 505 error was because the migration process ran out of time. But they ran it in batch with more time and it looks like it completed. So we are going through and noting the issues, like the tabs don't work and buttons don't work - both of which use a Weebly widget. So that may be an issue. However, both of us agree that this is proof of the concept, and I'll probably hire pro's to migrate it if they agree that everything will work. (It'll be well worth it to not have to fix several hundred tabbed pages.)
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