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  1. Good news. New, new Alternator worked fine. Full details in the other forum thread, but it's amazing how the diagram is correct all of the time. And correctly functioning multimeter helps. FYI: '86 2G ALT can accept the universal "D" shape VR plug with 3 wires, and only use the first 2 wires to maintain all factory features. The third wire (VR"I") is unused.
  2. Rewired the VR. Tested. Still no charging. 12.2V DC while running. I removed the ALT and Harness. Heading to the parts store with the Original ALT in hand. This time I watched very carefully, and the Ammeter did bounce slightly when I engaged the starter ....maybe it works....
  3. Ahhhh thanks for spotting C610. That makes sense. I was looking for one "splice" like it is physically in the truck. My "battery warning" lamp has never illuminated.... Probably doesn't work like everything else... FML. Neither does the "Brake" warning light. PO of my truck was very neglectful. Mice chewed wires and eventually caused a fire under the hood. His "backyard mechanic" managed to get the truck running again after the fire, but he left vacuum lines, wires and sensors completely melted and connected. The EGR and dual Smog pumps still fully connected, but none of the vacuums and sensors working. My first step of ownership were to replace the Motorcrap Carb, remove all the BS and fix leaks. The truck has ran great for 10k miles.
  4. The Green/red in my hand is currently on "I". It doesn't work(or the ALT is bad). It was previously on "S" and a I plan to try that again, as that is how my truck previously worked and I was already convinced it should be the way your saying. I think you're right about S203/S202 I will doublecheck my wiring shortly. Just waking up. Where is the multi-wire splice/connector(right edge of my Pic) in the diagram?
  5. I changed the VR plug because the mounting tab broke off. S202 is just before the Solenoid B+. Both voltage and continuity test confirmed many times. My B+ after S202 had to be spliced and is the blue heat shrink in the pic below. Yellow and Black leaving S202 should be ALT B+ and VR "A". What is the little red wire? The Small yellow wire(Not VR"A") I think is the ammeter wire. It goes to the harness splice and into the firewall Should that be spliced to ALT B+ or the VR "A"? The dirty green wire I'm holding is the VR green wire. It's currently on "I" but I will be moving it back to "S" tomorrow. Did I get that right? Does my pic look right?
  6. Max, check out this Pic of the melted ALT plug that need replaced. The VR plug just broke off the mounting tab. I could reuse it, but dodgy.
  7. Lebaron, I will tear off the corrugated loom tomorrow and double check my wiring. In your diagram(which I have viewed many times....) the VR "A" goes to the Battery(Solenoid). I don't trust myself and it's possible I have "A" wired to the harness and both ALT B+ ran to the solenoid....but if that were true would the solenoid and truck start/run normally? Wouldn't that solenoid "act up" if I had double the signal from the ALT? Would the key even correctly activate the solenoid and starter? I think I'm safe but I'm capable of peeling some tape back. I understand the ammeter is really an "overcharging or undercharging" meter and not a voltage tester. Mine stays stationary in the center whether the battery is disconnected, the lights on or the engine running, it doesn't jump when I start the engine.... My neglected/miswired ammeter doesn't work.
  8. Jim, from what I can tell from that other thread is that the 3wire plug is physically adaptable to the 3G swap, but not necessarily without changes. The real issue is how many different variables came from the factory. The above diagram shows the VR "S" not used and the green wire connected to VR "I". This is the only diagram that shows this, but it's the easiest next step as this is how I have it currently(not working for those not following the FTE thread) wired. I will cut the Stator to VR "S" wire and see if anything changes. If that doesn't work, I will move the Green/red wire from the VR "I" to the VR "S" like my truck was before this debacle. Max, in one of your pics it looks like your ALT B+ wires are divorced. The diagrams/schematics and my original wiring all show those two splicing together. Do yours splice out of picture frame, or how do they route to the solenoid and wiring harness? Hello everyone. Thanks for having me here in the Garagemahal. Long time reader....first time caller!
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