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  1. I don’t need the indicator, Any certain RPM I should look for?
  2. I give up, anyone want to do some shopping for me and point me in the right direction to a gauge cluster that would work with my setup???
  3. Thanks for all the replies, I’ll do some eBay shopping and see if I can find one that will work.
  4. I’m looking to add a tachometer to my 6 cylinder 81 f150. I know I need the printed board along with the new tachometer. Can anyone tell me if this cluster would be correct? https://www.ebay.com/itm/256477093465?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4mEIirhIRDW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. Thanks everyone! matt_in_tn - I'm in Indiana. If you get a chance to get driver's side I'll gladly pay whatever you buy it for, plus shipping, plus a bit for your troubles. Thanks!
  6. I would buy it from you if it was the driver side
  7. Anyone know where to find this bottom door panel. I’ve seen some with a smaller storage area but nothing with this much storage. Not sure if these were original.
  8. Thanks for all the info, much appreciated!!
  9. The photo would help I guess. Thanks, I've added it.
  10. Can anyone tell me if these are factory or aftermarket? I obviously need a new dial (both sides) but I’m not sure of the brand.
  11. Thanks for the help everyone, after cleaning all the vents and plugging in the blower switch (not sure how it was undone) everything seems to be working normally. The only problem I have now is the blower motor does not turn off when the lever is in the off position. Which isn’t that big of a deal. Merry Christmas!
  12. Sorry, it does have ac, I’m just only concerned with heat. The controls look like this.
  13. Just heat, no ac. Although I guess mixed parts is always a possibility
  14. Any clue what vacuum line / door is for the hvac off position?
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