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  1. hello to you on this sunny and warm Friday!! FOR SALE Here is a ´82er Pickup for sale in very good condition. The mileage is unkown, but it´s recently completely restored with a repaint and new electrics The petrol pump and Beth are included. If wanted, it can completed with a book about the construction (336 pages). In this case I only have to translate it. free insured shipping basis for negotiation: $ 3000,- :nabble_anim_working:greetings Tobias
  2. LOL... (the smileys) thank you all for your support (!!) without that it was not finished in that way. And your excellent website. :nabble_anim_working:greetings, Tobias
  3. don´t worry and think of the time it took to build it in this way. It´s about 9 years or so. But now, it was time for finishing. Finally, I´m uploading up some pics of the completed truck, taken in my garden.
  4. Hi to you, it finally comes to an end and after all these years it is time to. I aks myself: what happens to the parts while lying in the shelf and waiting for assembling? Before parking in the shelf, the parts all fit together. Now, after coating (no heat input) there were some parts, which have a complete different shape or contour. The right door for exaple, had to be deformed under heat til it fits to the body shape. I don´t understand That were the days, when I rather like to push it into the trash can. However, the rubber in outer trimline is applied and I changed the decals. In the last post, I told you from the deasaster with the copy shops and that at last, I printed them by myself. But they weren´t convincing: they looked too papery. So I took the one of the copy shop which was in a too large scale. For to finish complete, I have marry the body with the chassis frame. An easy task, you should say. But the devil is a squirrel!! I´m sure something unplanned will happen greetings, Tobias
  5. Now, the waiting will have an end The basic color is anthracite for the body and black for the loading bed, both with a matt clear coating. The trimlines in alumium with gloss clear coating. The inlay of the trimline is an EPDM sponge rubber with a adhesive tape. The gap of the backlight to the body will be sealed with a thin butyl string. To get the decals was a desaster Selfprinting was no option, cause my printer was to old for accepteble quality and worse you cant´t get single sheets to print on and what should I do with an amount of unused sheets?? So well, easy decision: a copy shop but back in reality, there were no copy shop in our surrounding that was able to print a DIN A4 self adhesive in white and clear background. And the one who printed it for me not self adhesive in excellent colors - in the end I realized he modified the scale Meanwhile, my old printer had stopped work altogether so I had to order a new one. At least it was possible to print the decals on white self adhesive paper. But it is not so thin as it should be. The assebled door sealing In the follwing days I will assemble the model and make some pics for you and my book. The petrol pump ist alraedy done and it fits quite well to the truck left: nozzle hangs in petrol pump, gear for the counter is blocked right: nozzle released, gear is free greetings, Tobias
  6. Hi guys, some thursdays are gone since my last post and the coating is meanwhile done. Not in the way I prefer, but acceptable. I waited for warm weather for to spray the coating. So it was done, but the result was disillusioning. It shows mercilessly the bugs of sanding. To avoid this, I did several drawdowns to check the sanding but what I forget was the spraying shows much more than the drawdown with a brush. And so, I did the basic coloring in anthrazit with a brush and sprayed the matt clear coat. In the moment, I havn´t any pics for you but I will catch up next days greetings, Tobias
  7. Hi guys, I´m not satisfied with the windscreen I had a look to my unwashed car - I guess about half a year - but the windscreen is not approximately so dirty like the rest. So I had the next try. The same color, the same amount of water but I took a piece cleaning cloth that have a special structur and soak up the water by pressing it in the wet color. You can see the pattern of the cloth on the windsreen, that´s ok. But its still too dark. Less color is barely possyble and a lighter grey looks This morning, I asked my wife if she got something like hairspray. She doesn´t use hairspray that´s the good news...but she got a fixativ for her illustrations I could use. Yes, this is what I wanted hit. So I did it with the door windows, too. Of course not the whole pane. The water flows on the front edge from the waistline up to the upper edge and in a radius than along to the back. Now I´m ok with it greetings Tobias
  8. Now, the clear-glass windows... the hardest first - that is the frontscreen. Two curvatures on the surface will be difficult to built only with a hairdryer as tool. I tried with a water bath (for the screen ) for even heat distribution, but that didn´t work. So the hairdryer... The curvature along Y is not as it should be. I couldn´t get the pane warm enough for an easy deformation. So, first I formed Y cuvature, a R250 and than the X curvature, across the car. Of course, the R250 wasn´t longer R250... But it fits in the body and it looks quite good. The windscreen is dirtier than I wished. It should be the the dirt from street and rain and not more. But I can remove it and try again. ... and again. The clear-glass door-windows are also made. greetings, Tobias
  9. moin moin, these days I was painting the chassis frame and all associated parts when I realized the rear bumper is something missing. And so I added the bulb plate. Tomorrow I will finish the rims and the complete chassis frame is painted. I will post some pics here. greetings, Tobias
  10. moin moin, today I was busy Painting the front axle... colorworks with brushes are NOT my favorite job and its always a hard fight, I must say.
  11. Hi Jeff, too cold for coating... -4°C brrr... Its better to sit on the sofa, a mug coffee in your hand and take a look outside Meanwhile I started painting the chassis frame and the clear glass panes will also be done. Perhaps next week. In the moment my thoughts are going more and more to the Ford F150 6th Generation in scale 1:25 as next project (after the petrol pump). I like design as much as the 7th Gen and the consideration is how to built the body by my own. But for this decision I have to watch some blueprints or data. greetings, Tobias
  12. yeah, you are right, but she´s having a break for refuel. A GULF-fuel pump from the 50s or 60s is planned. The engineering is already done, the gallone counter will work when the nozzle is lifted. The fuel pump should be added to the pick-up. :nabble_anim_working:greetings, Tobias
  13. moin moin, I promised Beth to make her a own coffee mug. Now it was time... and she got a thermos too
  14. There was something I forgot to built: the floor mat on the driver side below the pedals so I rectified it today.
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