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Vic Roma

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  1. Does anyone have any photos or literature on this roll down kit?
  2. If anyone needs one for 80-86 F/U trucks, Dennis Carpenter makes replicas: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275403659811?epid=1336896302&hash=item401f565a23:g:PRYAAOSwy7xi4vYd&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwIMheJlKaso8Nrkts%2FeNZenHN2IvPm8mZVwem6YJGPsOTSIcyULCKfMGGD4Fh%2FQRsm9wUlcoZzilzOYkKWc1Ntc8L%2BBgLq5Fg7isl7n35CTmAYaKh1%2BsczkFcdp3%2BiXHeln%2FONPlOh1f4RU3tdj5ljEny%2FPMHQ5JfsHDRdlyXqYu0jTKcF%2BajrBFEKTCk9gPL1nYbjmKXcz8gnNpc%2FG6%2B6gVXzT8I0hEwezV3BPY8eZgYVgpiYaa4MukFAPjFFrGRg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-7-zbHNYQ
  3. Mystery solved...? From page 633 of the "Obsolete - Supercede - Interchange Manual FPS 7632-5 January 1994": E0TZ-17787-C R/B E0TZ-17787-F, and E0TZ-17788-C R/B E0TZ-17788-D
  4. Yes for posterity, and to make even more information available to anyone who may not have the Master Parts Catalog (MPC). No to save cloud storage, reduce superfluous clutter, and I doubt these old products (technology) is better than modern alternatives. I can’t see Mr Miyagi reaching for B7A-19517-B when an old rag and a tin of readily available turtle wax would suffice. But then again what do I know, I’m still .
  5. More complete (and more expensive) than the last one that sold. Contains lock, key and barrel, hood cable retaining clips and instruction sheet. https://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-OEM-Ford-F150-230-350-Bronco-EOTZ-16700-C-Chrome-Hood-Lock-Cable-Kit-1980-85-/154790629361?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  6. Maybe. But it takes a lot of imagination to get there. It’s for heavy trucks but someone could probably make it work.
  7. No charge, Derek. Happy to see it go to a good home.
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