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  1. Nevermind, already saw a problem with trying to dynamically resize things. I'm leaving it alone for now.
  2. I've updated the HTML one more time for the night. The whitespace pointed out earlier on iPhones should be gone. Basically, the top and bottom of the site/forum should look cleaner. Hoping that's really the case and nothing is broken.
  3. Yep, that's the one. It doesn't render like that one a desktop, but I see that on my phone... I hadn't noticed that before. That whitespace needs to be there (well, for now) to get the top area of the forum to render properly in the iframe. I'll continue to look at it. The Weebly HTML is kinda a mess - that's what happens with these WYSIWYG tools. I just chopped the footer out, that grey bar on the bottom should be gone now. (Gary, this is in the "Edit Theme" area of Weebly) Overall these are changes I'm going to try to make iteratively - I don't wanna screw up the site for people and not realize it. We will probably never get "perfect" here - dealing with these rendering issues is like playing Whack-A-Mole, and since 99% of the HTML is out of our control, any of our fixes can get broken by Weebly or InVision at any time.
  4. I've removed the two search boxes from the Weebly header. If there's page layout issues that anyone notices, please let me know. In my browsers, the two boxes normally get hidden quickly when the page finishes rendering. I had to add some whitespace into the page to get the forum to show up completely like it was before, so I'm not sure if I've helped with Jeff's concern or not.
  5. That parameter is basically there to prevent an infinite loop of redirects (Gary has seen it!) since we need the redirect/embed logic in both Weebly and InVision. The noloop is basically a sentinel variable.
  6. TBH, I am confusing myself on the logic at this point to be able to explain it and I'm not going to touch it for the time being. The code isn't complicated, but I'm fuzzy on the reasons why I did certain things. I made comments, but the comments are only as useful if the comments mean something later... But, this is a semi-intentional "feature" in the redirect code that forces the forum embedding right now. If you access this URL for the site, it will allow the forum to display with no embedding forced: https://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/?noloop=1
  7. It is confusing - the InVision that is shutting down is not our InVision. There is another company with a design collaboration product named the same thing, that is what is shutting down. We are safe. 🫣
  8. Yep, I'll take a look at that tonight. Yes, there are settings in InVision for SEO/Page Tracking. It depends if you want to track Weebly page access vs forum page accesses, or would you like do to both?
  9. Thanks, Jim! Here are some final before and after pics. I finished the rear window, and looks like I dug myself out of a hole successfully on this one. I threw the steel wool away lol. I did take things off a bit, but the cerium oxide finds its way into every nook and cranny. So, time to give the truck a bath anyway... It turns out the good ol' Dewalt with a 3" wool polishing disk was way more effective than the DA polisher, which I didn't expect. I used the finest cut foam pad on the polisher though, and didn't apply as much pressure. But, I'm done experimenting glass! All the water spots are gone, the fog from removing the water spots is done, and I'll calling it a day! Before: After:
  10. Thanks, yeah that occurred to me too! Thankfully, my weatherstripping and paint are both slated for replacement sooner than later so I'm not too concerned. I did clean things afterwards and so far it's nothing I dont think a couple Q-tips and some water won't fix. Otherwise, your advice makes total sense! When I use my DA polisher, I'm gonna have to wear some crummy clothes as I've read the cerium oxide gets EVERYWHERE. I was careful with the drill, but I'm gonna have to be careful to not repeat my recent mistake of not checking for results from ALL angles often. Where the polisher is too large to work (the corners and the passenger vent window), I'll have to result to the drill and the kit I bought which supplied a 1" pad for that purpose.
  11. Ok, looks like some progress. I spent about 20 minutes on the passenger door window with the cerium oxide and a kit that included some 3" polishing pads to use with my drill. Definitely better! I also ordered some pads for my DA polisher, since I have 5 windows to go it should make things go a little faster and do better than my poor Dewalt cordless drill that only goes maybe 200 RPM. It seems lots of detailers use rotary tools with cerium oxide if you're *careful*. The dual action of the polisher I'm using is meant to help newbies not burn their paint, so that'll help with the blast radius http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/laughing-25-x-25_orig.gif in case I mess up. Apparently you have to look out for heating up the glass and obviously applying even pressure so you take a uniform amount of material off the surface. I started with light pressure, and it basically did nothing. I applied medium to medium-heavy pressure and while it wore the drill out quickly, it did make a big difference. There is more to do on that window even, but I'm encouraged by the results and I think I didn't do irreversible damage. Before: After:
  12. That's awesome, thanks Gary. I'll let you know if I end up needing it. Hopefully I can get mine fixed up and someone else in need can use it some day. But until then, stand by!
  13. Much appreciated! The cerium oxide will be here in a few hours, and we will see if I can undo my mistake and go from there. I'd like to keep the original glass if possible - as stupid as it sounds, there is an outline on the rear window glass still from a sticker my Dad had on the back window through the early 90's. I'd hate to get rid of those little reminders of him being the original driver of the truck.
  14. Man, you guys know your windows. Thanks for all the background information. I see that there is a clear glass version of the CRL slider available out there. It's not as popular as the grey glass version (on LMC for example) but for the purist the option is out there! They offer a version (DY90035) with no gasket, and the catalog says the OEM gasket will work. Just putting this here for future readers. I'll hopefully post good news tomorrow night. Charging my drill batteries so I use it to polish a test spot on my slider. I'm kind of tempted at this point to just buy the new slider though for $176 (gasket excluded - picture is incorrect)! https://www.gordonglassusa.com/item/DVW950B-1972/CRL-Duo-Vent-Four-Panel-Truck-Slider-with-Clear-Glass-for-1973-1996-Ford-F-Series-DVW950B-1972.html
  15. Thanks for the tip on Simichrome, Jim. I just tried to order some from Amazon and says it can't be shipped to my location (insert California joke here). It looks like the Flitz can be ordered though, that'll go onto the list also.
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