Wood grain steering wheel, instrument bezels and door panels - fair condition

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Wood grain steering wheel, instrument bezels and door panels - fair condition

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Re: Wood grain steering wheel, instrument bezels and door panels - fair condition

Nice find! Little pricey to me.

I'm still hem-hawing over this one you posted.


Only thing I don't like about mine is that someone glued the indicators (?), 4x4, Emissions, Brake, Turn signals etc. And they did a real sloppy job. You see bubbled remnants of glue.

Nobody really sees it but me, but drives me nuts!

Might make an offer tomorrow.
1986 F250HD SC XLT Lariat 4x4 460 C6-Sold
1992 Bronco XLT 4x4 351W E4OD
1998 GMC Sierra SLE K1500 350 4L60E