WTB 1986 F150 XLT Lariat tailgate trim letters

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WTB 1986 F150 XLT Lariat tailgate trim letters

Hey guys,

I have been on the hunt for the XLT Lariat Tailgate trim letters for a while. I can't find them used anywhere, only place I can buy new is off of Dennis Carpenter. It's the striped red trim with letters already on it. I have the entire panel and red stripe trim but the letters have fallen off. Anybody have all 4 letters? Or maybe a website that sells them seperate(unlikely I know). The letters are 85/86 specific, 87 letters are smaller.

I'm in Alberta, Canada. Buying from Dennis Carpenter would cost me around 480 CAD.

"Little Blue Truck" 1986 F150 302 EFI C6 2WD XLT Lariat