86 driver window regulator, free for shipping costs

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86 driver window regulator, free for shipping costs

This one is original. Truck was from central Cali, then central TX, so no rust.

It works fine to go down but going up was becoming spotty.
Motor is weak but the gear teeth look fine, including nylon.

I'd hate to toss it in the scrap metal heap.

If you pay shipping, you can have it.

Reno in Central Texas, 86 F250 XLT Lariat eclb 2wd 6.9, plus 2 Bricknoses, 1 Aeronose that's getting a Bullnose front clip, and parts trucks. Busy lads, father and sons wrenchers.
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Re: 86 driver window regulator, free for shipping costs

Are you still interested in getting rid of that? Where in Texas are you? Thanks!
Dave A
'80 F-150
'11 Ranger
'17 Expedition