1984 Medium Duty W/ Dump bed

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1984 Medium Duty W/ Dump bed

Rough but beefy:


Unless it's modded I doubt it actually has a detroit diesel? I thought those were for Bowties?
1984 F150: 300 L6, AOD, RWD. EEC IV / TFI, Feedback Carter YFA Carb. Stock everything but radio (for now).
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Re: 1984 Medium Duty W/ Dump bed

Unless it was sold as a cab and chassis only, without engine or transmission.

The County road dept. here would buy medium and heavy duty Cab and Chassis, and have them outfitted with what they wanted. Usually the lowest bidder won etc... And that usually means Hodge Podge.
Truck: 1981 F-150 Explorer / Engine: 300-6 California MCU Feedback System / Trans: T-18 - 4 speed / 2.75 Ford Rear Axle Open Diff.